
Upcoming Events for You

Tags: Federation, YLD, Arts, Advocacy

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Check out our upcoming events, including a virtual tour of Cleveland's sister cities, a three-part program about “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Contemporary Israeli Cinema,” and a panel discussion of community leaders from the Black, Latinx, and Jewish communities.

January 24 & 31
YLD One-Click Trips

Do you miss traveling? Join YLD and Cleveland shlicha, Li-or Gersht, for virtual trips to our sister cities of Beit Shean, Israel and St. Petersburg, Russia!

Sunday, January 24 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
The Russian Aliyah to Israel – A Personal Story: Vadim Blumin

Sunday, January 31 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Life as A Young Jew in Russia: Young Adults from St Petersburg

Get the Facts: COVID-19 Vaccine & You
January 26

Dr. Robert A. Salata, chair of the Department of Medicine of University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, and Dr. Daniel I. Simon, chief clinical and scientific officer and president of University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, will join us to provide an update on the COVID-19 vaccine. The doctors will share the latest information about the various vaccines, plans for distribution and answer your questions.

5 – 6 pm


February 2  23
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Contemporary Israeli Cinema

Join us for a virtual three-part program with Eran Polishuk, CEO and founder of Chapter Two Films, to discuss “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Contemporary Israeli Cinema.”

Part I: Tuesday, February 2, 5 – 6 pm
Eran Polishuk will explore the Israeli film industry’s engagement of women of color, the LGBTQ community, new immigrants, and minority voices.

Part II: February 3 – 23
Screen Israeli shorts on your own (a link will be sent following Part I).

Part III: Tuesday, February 23, 5 – 6 pm
Screen two more shorts and hear Eran Polishuk in conversation with Gregg Levine, chair, JFC Community Relations Committee and board member, Cleveland International Film Festival. 


February 9
74th Annual Meeting of Community Relations Committee & Sidney Z. Vincent Memorial Lecture: Overcoming Challenges Together 

Our panel of community leaders from the Black, Latinx, and Jewish communities will discuss “Overcoming Challenges Together” that will explore the obstacles each community individually faces and how we can address these issues together. Plus, enjoy special virtual performances by Julia De Burgos Cultural Arts Center and Karamu Performing Arts Theatre!

7 – 8:15 pm

To register, please contact jreed@jcfcleve.org.

Plus, don't miss these upcoming events hosted by Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA): 

  • Join JFNA on January 27 at 4 pm for "Vaccines and their Impact on Jewish Life." Jewish Federation of Cleveland President Erika B. Rudin-Luria will join national experts to discuss key COVID provider relief efforts and the new vaccine. Register>>
  • On February 1 & 2, JFNA will be convening its first-ever virtual, national Washington Mission. This is a unique opportunity for communities across the United States to join together virtually with political leaders and policymakers from both sides of the aisle, to advocate for the future of the Jewish community. Register>>
  • February is Jewish Disability Advocacy Month. Join JFNA on February 3 with a concert by renowned violinist Itzhak Perlman. Register>> 

Learn More: Federation, YLD, Arts, Advocacy