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Celebrating Israel's Independence Day

Tags: Federation, Advocacy, Awards

Celebrating Israel's Independence Day

A spectacular party for Israel! More than 2,500 community members joined together to celebrate Israel's 68th birthday in style.

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Roslyn Z. Wolf: An Inspiring Life

Tags: Young Adults, Awards

Roslyn Z. Wolf: An Inspiring Life

“I shall pass through this world but once. Any kindness that I can show…let me do it now.” This was a motto that Roslyn Z. Wolf, wife of Ambassador Milton A. Wolf, lived by. Together, the family lived a life of generosity and philanthropic good.

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Rachel Weinberg, Wolf Award Recipient

Tags: Young Adults, Federation, Video, Campaign, Featured, Awards

Rachel Weinberg, Wolf Award Recipient

Mazel Tov, Rachel Weinberg, 2015 recipient of the Amb. Milton A. and Roslyn Z. Wolf Young Campaigner of the Year Award. Learn more about her accomplishments in this short video.

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Ratner Receives Gries Award

Tags: Awards, Federation, Featured, PR

Ratner Receives Gries Award

CLEVELAND– James A. Ratner of Shaker Heights has been named the 2015 recipient of the Gries Family Award for Community Leadership as he has made a lasting impact on Cleveland’s Jewish and general communities. Ratner was presented the award at the Jewish Federation of Cleveland Board of Trustees meeting on October 30.

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Heller Receives Ruby Bass Award

Tags: Women, Campaign, PR, Federation, Awards, Video

Heller Receives Ruby Bass Award

Rebecca Heller of Moreland Hills has been named the 2015 recipient of the Ruby Bass Award, honoring her volunteerism and dedication to the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. Heller was presented with the award at the Federation’s Lion of Judah Annual Dinner on September 24.

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Mazel Tov, The Terrific Trio

Tags: Awards, Women, Federation

Mazel Tov, The Terrific Trio

Mazel Tov to The Gathering Place Warehouse’s Terrific Trio – Ellen Neye, Margo Roth, and Marcia Schumann – this year’s recipient of the Irene Zehman Award for excellence in volunteer service. Learn more about the Terrific Trio’s accomplishments in this short video.

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French Hero Receives Cleveland Honor

Tags: France, Awards, Federation

French Hero Receives Cleveland Honor

On May 3, 2015, a delegation from the Cleveland Muslim community joined members of the Jewish community at Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple’s Annual Meeting where Lassana Bathily was the guest speaker. Bathily, a young Muslim-Malian immigrant to France, was recognized for his courage and heroism in the face of terror.

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Gross Receives Eisenman Award

Tags: Awards, Federation, Video, Featured, PR

Gross Receives Eisenman Award

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland continued 90+ year tradition by recognizing the recipient of the distinguished Charles Eisenman Award for exceptional civic contributions: Harley I. Gross. The Federation honored Harley at the 111th Annual Meeting on April 14 at B’nai Jeshurun Congregation.

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2015 Irene Zehman Award Winners

Tags: Awards, Federation, Video, Featured, PR, Women

2015 Irene Zehman Award Winners

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland continued 90+ year tradition by recognizing the recipient of the distinguished Charles Eisenman Award for exceptional civic contributions: Harley I. Gross. The Federation honored Harley at the 111th Annual Meeting on April 14 at B’nai Jeshurun Congregation.

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Zelman Receives Yanowitz Award

Tags: Awards, Federation, Young Adults

Zelman Receives Yanowitz Award

Jewish Federation of Cleveland Presents Yanowitz Award to Andrew Zelman

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