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Our #JewishCleveland: Dayna & Cameron Orlean

Tags: Federation, Blog, Leadership, Young Adults

Our #JewishCleveland: Dayna & Cameron Orlean

Our Jewish Cleveland story began about three years ago. We moved back to Northeast Ohio and were eager enough to get in touch with the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Young Leadership Division (YLD) Director, Jessie Bruder.

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My #JewishCleveland: Jennie Becker

Tags: Federation, Blog, Leadership, Young Adults

My #JewishCleveland: Jennie Becker

I grew up in Youngstown, Ohio. In middle school, my family moved to Florida, but we always kept our ties with Northeast Ohio. My brother went to Camp Wise; many years later, I ended up moving back to Cleveland and taking a job as the Assistant Director for Camp Wise.

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Young Leaders Help Rebuild St. Petersburg

Tags: Federation, Overseas, Leadership

Young Leaders Help Rebuild St. Petersburg

Imagine learning you are Jewish – at age 30. What would you do?

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Building Jewish Life in St. Petersburg

Tags: Federation, Overseas, Leadership

Building Jewish Life in St. Petersburg

For more than 20 years, the Jewish Federation of Cleveland has been a partner in helping to build Jewish life in St. Petersburg, Russia, Cleveland’s sister city. Federation’s Overseas Connections Committee (OCC) recently hosted a Capacity Building delegation with all of the directors and associate directors of every major Jewish organization in St. Petersburg.

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Exploring Jewish Life in India

Tags: Federation, Blog, Young Adults, Leadership, Women

Exploring Jewish Life in India

Greetings from India! Four Jewish Cleveland young leaders are taking an unforgettable journey to explore Jewish life in India with the National Young Leadership Cabinet Study Mission. They, along with more than 100 fellow young leaders from across North America, are visiting India to understand how Judaism endures as a small minority culture in our diaspora communities.

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Now Accepting Nominations: Mandel Symposium

Tags: Leadership

Now Accepting Nominations: Mandel Symposium

We need your input! Help identify Cleveland’s emerging Jewish leaders for the 2017 Mandel Symposium, one of the premier leadership development programs of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland.

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D’var Torah: August 2016

Tags: Divrei Torah, Blog, Federation, Leadership

The following d’var torah was presented at the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Board of Trustees Meeting on August 18, 2016.

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Members of Knesset Visit Jewish Cleveland

Tags: Federation, Young Adults, Overseas, Leadership, Israel, Advocacy

Members of Knesset Visit Jewish Cleveland

It is the mark of a special relationship where both parties take the time to show support for each other and learn from one another. Last week, the special relationships between Israel and the United States grew even stronger with the visit of three members of Knesset to Cleveland.

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Meet Yana: Capacity Building Participant

Tags: Federation, Young Adults, Overseas, Leadership

Meet Yana: Capacity Building Participant

Yana is a young Jewish professional in her twenties living in St. Petersburg, Cleveland’s sister city in Russia. Passionate about helping her community, Yana wanted to do something about the poverty affecting the Jews in her city, but she could hardly raise any funds.

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An Impactful Journey to Berlin & Israel

Tags: Federation, Blog, Young Adults, Leadership, Women

An Impactful Journey to Berlin & Israel

This past week I had the honor of traveling with 70 members of The Jewish Federations of North America's (JFNA) National Young Leadership Cabinet on a mission to Berlin and Israel. Together we learned about the past, present and plans for the future of their local Jewish communities and also saw first-hand where our Federation dollars go.href="http://www.jewishcleveland.org/news/blog/inspiring_stories_kick_off_JFNA_GA/">General Assembly.

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