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We are Stronger Together!

Tags: Women, Campaign, Leadership

We are Stronger Together!

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland works hard to commit our values into action every day, aspiring to leave no community member behind. Thanks to our generous donors, the 2015 Campaign for Jewish Needs was a huge success!

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Now Accepting Nominations: Mandel Symposium

Tags: Leadership

Learn more about the 2015 Mandel Symposium, and read the testimonials of Symposium alumni.

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New York is Great, but Cleveland Feels like Home

Tags: Russia, Overseas, Women, Young Adults, Leadership, Blog

New York is Great, but Cleveland Feels like Home

In the week before Pesach, when many of us were cleaning and cooking in preparation for this Festival of Freedom, 21 Lehava leadership program participants and four staff members from St. Petersburg, Russia visited our community.

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Young Russian Leaders Explore Cleveland to Strengthen their own community

Tags: PR, Young Adults, Overseas, Russia, Leadership

CLEVELAND – Twenty four Jewish young adults will experience the trip of a lifetime. On April 6 – April 10, the Lehava leadership group from St. Petersburg, Russia will be in Cleveland to explore Jewish life, culture and infrastructure

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Meet the Lehava Young Leadership Group

Tags: Russia, Federation, Overseas, Video, Young Adults, Leadership

Meet the Lehava Young Leadership Group

Meet the Lehava Young Leadership Group from St. Petersburg, Russia.

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Cleveland's Jewish Women are Leaning In!

Tags: Women, Federation, Leadership

Cleveland's Jewish Women are Leaning In!

A powerful, meaningful, and inspiring night engaged over 125 diverse women in a conversation about being present in the moment, taking chances, and tapping into our own personal power.

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