A Torah Story

Sep 1, 2013

A Torah Story

A Torah is among a congregation’s most cherished possessions, containing the foundational narrative of the Jewish people.

Gedalya's Story

Aug 1, 2013

Gedalya's Story

Under the hot Israeli sun stands a soldier. Beneath his battered helmet, a lock of red hair; behind his sunglasses, twinkling blue eyes that survey the scene. This Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) paratrooper and combat medic is a long way from his home in Cleveland, OH but he’s right where he wants to be.

Marc's Story

Aug 1, 2013

Marc's Story

If you can read, you can fly… Marc knows this and that’s why, for the past decade, he’s made the trek each week through city neighborhoods, across a concrete playground to an inner city school. As a volunteer tutor, he reads books with kids.