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Mandel JDS 8th Graders in Israel

Tags: Partner, Israel, Family, Teens, Overseas, PR

Mandel JDS 8th Graders in Israel

On the last Friday before Spring Break, the 8th grade class of Mandel JDS (along with their parents, and the entire school) stood proudly in front of the Israeli flag, singing Hatikvah, Israel’s national anthem. This tradition, commemorating the eighth grade’s upcoming voyage to Israel, has been around for nearly as long as the annual pilgrimage itself.

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Meet Madeline: A Saltzman Youth Panelist

Tags: Federation, Teens, Philanthropy, Blog

Meet Madeline: A Saltzman Youth Panelist

On Sunday, April 10th, the 2015-2016 Saltzman Youth Panel had its last session. Although a meeting of reflection, from the moment we cracked open the first box of pizza to the final minutes sharing our take-aways, the panel was collectively passionate, driving to achieve a common goal. Throughout the meeting, I was constantly reminded of the high quality of leadership on the Saltzman Youth Panel. With complete confidence I can say I learned something new every time a fellow panelist spoke. This was exciting, as well as something that speaks volumes about who and what make up the Saltzman Youth Panel.

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Kosher Nutritious: Ready for Passover!

Tags: Food, Holidays, Passover, Women, Teens, Family, Young Adults, Federation

Kosher Nutritious: Ready for Passover!

I had the pleasure of spending my junior year of college at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. One of the perks of that year was meeting and growing close with my cousin Ziva, who happened to work at Hadassah Hospital across the street from my dorm. We spent a lot of time together and she invited me to spend many Shabbatot and holidays with her family. In addition to being hilariously funny, warm and nurturing, Ziva had another talent, as well: She was, and remains, an amazing cook. I am excited to share one of her recipes with you below, which I hope will make your preparations for Passover a bit easier.

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Good Sportsmanship

Tags: Israel, PR, Teens, Beit Shean

Good Sportsmanship

For his mitzvah project, a Beachwood boy enlists help of local sports teams to cheer and support at-risk

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View Photos from the Hidden Gems Exhibit

Tags: Federation, Israel, Overseas, Arts, Family, Partners, Teens, Volunteer, Women

View Photos from the Hidden Gems Exhibit

The Hidden Gems photography exhibit celebrates our 20-year partnership with Beit Shean and Valley of Springs, Cleveland's sister city in Israel,. View the photos captured by our community's established, emerging, and amateur photographers.

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Making Tough Decisions

Tags: Federation, Teens, Philanthropy, Blog

Making Tough Decisions

Saltzman Youth Panel is a truly unique experience. Working as a group, Jewish Cleveland teens are given the opportunity to allocate funds to the Jewish community and beyond. Recently, my fellow panelists and I were truly able to experience this unique aspect of Saltzman.

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Meet Ariel, One Happy Camper

Tags: Teens, Kids, Family, Partners

Meet Ariel, One Happy Camper

Multiple disabilities, including cerebral palsy, do not stop 19-year-old Ariel from being happy but returning home from Jewish summer camp does.

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We are a United Community

Tags: Teens, Kids, Holidays, Overseas, Federation

We are a United Community

The last day of Chanukah this year was extra special.

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Sharing My Joy with My Community

Tags: Teens, Kids, Blog, Family, Volunteer, Holidays

Sharing My Joy with My Community

My name is Tyler Moses and I am 13 years old. I live in Orange Village and go to the University School (US).

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Ensuring a Jewish Future

Tags: Planned Giving, Charitable Giving, Family, Kids, Teens

Ensuring a Jewish Future

Today's Jewish camper is tomorrow's Jewish leader, which is why philanthropists Michael and Anita Siegal are investing in the next generation and endowing a Jewish summer camp program: it's important to the future of the Jewish community.

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