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Instruments restored from Holocaust

Tags: PR, Overseas, Video, Arts

Instruments restored from Holocaust

A group of 20 Jewish young professionals and supervisors from St. Petersburg, Russia, visited Northeast Ohio last week to learn about the region’s Jewish community – and to take those lessons back home to help strengthen the Jewish community there.

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Watch Now: Holocaust Education Video

Tags: Federation, Young Adults, Video, Women, Israel, Overseas, Family, Teens, Arts, Advocacy

Watch Now: Holocaust Education Video

No words can adequately describe the suffering of those who experienced the horrors of the Holocaust firsthand. And, no words can adequately describe the heartache felt by the hundreds of Cleveland community members who join together each year to listen to survivors tell their stories at Yom Hashoah V’Hagvurah, on Holocaust Remembrance Day. We created this video in partnership with Kol Israel Foundation to share the importance of Holocaust education. Today, children survivors are nearing the end of their lives and we won’t be able to hear their stories firsthand forever. Please watch and share as we say “Never Again.”

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700+ Attend 111th Annual Meeting

Tags: Federation, Young Adults, Video, Women, Israel, Overseas, Family, Teens

700+ Attend 111th Annual Meeting

700+ filled the room and tuned in via Live Stream to celebrate the strength of our community at our 111th Annual Meeting!

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Meet Israeli Sensation, Idan Raichel

Tags: Israel, Events, Holidays, Arts, Overseas, Video

Meet Israeli Sensation, Idan Raichel

You don’t have to travel far to hear the music of the world. Experience the multi-cultural sounds and entrancing fusions of Hebrew, Arabic and Ethiopian with a full-length concert by The Idan Raichel Project at this year’s Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day) celebration on April 23!

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Exodus from Ukraine

Tags: Overseas, Partners, Israel, Passover, Holidays

Exodus from Ukraine

Dozens of Jews from war-torn eastern Ukraine who will be immigrating to Israel in the coming days celebrated the upcoming holiday of Passover at a simulated seder (ritual meal) held at The Jewish Agency for Israel's refugee center outside the city of Dnepropetrovsk Sunday evening (March 29). The celebrants included seven children between the ages of two and ten, who learned about the holiday for the first time.

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Cross-Continental Bonding

Tags: Young Adults, Federation, Russia, Overseas, Video

Cross-Continental Bonding

Recently, my two housemates and I hosted 20 young Jewish professionals from St. Petersburg, Russia in our home for Shabbat dinner, along with a small number of young Clevelanders.

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Russian Professionals Visit Cleveland

Tags: Russia, Overseas, Young Adults, Leadership, PR

Russian Professionals Visit Cleveland

A group of 20 Jewish young professionals and supervisors from St. Petersburg, Russia, visited Northeast Ohio last week to learn about the region’s Jewish community – and to take those lessons back home to help strengthen the Jewish community there.

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Israel's Independence Day Celebration

Tags: Israel, Overseas, Events, Holidays, Federation, Women, Teens, Family, Advocacy, Arts, Young Adults

Israel's Independence Day Celebration

Celebrate Israel's Independence Day on April 23 with The Idan Raichel Project in concert!

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Why American Young Adults Teach English in Israel

Tags: Beit Shean, Israel, I-connect, Overseas, Young Adults, Teens

Why American Young Adults Teach English in Israel

Cleveland’s sister city in Israel, Beit Shean, has a lot to offer: beautiful natural springs, breathtaking mountaintop views, and an opportunity for American college graduates to teach English to young Israeli students.

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Welcoming St. Petersburg Visitors

Tags: Russia, Overseas, Young Adults

Welcoming St. Petersburg Visitors

“Dear Julie! Almost a year ago I was in your community in a group of the Capacity program. It was an incredible, unforgettable trip for me, which will always remain in my heart and my mind…”

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