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Israel's Independence Day Celebration

Tags: Israel, Overseas, Events, Holidays, Federation, Women, Teens, Family, Advocacy, Arts, Young Adults

Israel's Independence Day Celebration

Celebrate Israel's 68th Independence Day on May 12 with Rita in concert!

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My 'Big Brother' Itamar's Story

Tags: Federation, Young Adults, Overseas, Israel

My 'Big Brother' Itamar's Story

Late in the afternoon on October 13th, 1998 my parents called me and my older sister into our family room. My father said: “something has happened. Itamar was murdered.” This was the first time I had ever heard the word ‘murdered’ in proximity to the name of someone close to me”.

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The Candle of the Jewish People Burns Bright

Tags: Federation, Israel, Overseas, Events

The Candle of the Jewish People Burns Bright

Israeli soldier Major Amit Tzuman shared his story of bravery with 450+ Clevelanders at our Yom Hazikaron commemoration, honoring Israel's fallen soldiers and civilian victims of terror.

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Remembering Israel's Fallen Soldiers

Tags: Federation, Israel, Overseas, Events

Remembering Israel's Fallen Soldiers

Over 450 Clevelanders gathered to remember Israel’s fallen soldiers and civilian victims of terror at Yom Hazikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day.

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Gross Schechter Israel Blog

Tags: Teens, Israel, Overseas

Gross Schechter Israel Blog

Check out what the 8th Graders at Gross Schechter Day School have been doing during their trip to Israel!

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Mandel Jewish Day School Israel Blog

Tags: Teens, Israel, Overseas

Mandel Jewish Day School Israel Blog

8th Graders at Mandel Jewish Day School are embarking on an Israel journey – read about their experience here!

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Mandel JDS 8th Graders in Israel

Tags: Partner, Israel, Family, Teens, Overseas, PR

Mandel JDS 8th Graders in Israel

On the last Friday before Spring Break, the 8th grade class of Mandel JDS (along with their parents, and the entire school) stood proudly in front of the Israeli flag, singing Hatikvah, Israel’s national anthem. This tradition, commemorating the eighth grade’s upcoming voyage to Israel, has been around for nearly as long as the annual pilgrimage itself.

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A Partnership that Enriches Thousands

Tags: Federation, Video, Israel, Overseas

A Partnership that Enriches Thousands

For 20 years, we have been working in partnership with our sister city, Beit Shean and the Valley of Springs. Together, we have enriched the lives of thousands.

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Celebrating 20 Years with Beit Shean

Tags: Federation, Overseas, Israel, PR, Beit Shean

Celebrating 20 Years with Beit Shean

In 1995, a small group of people associated with the Jewish Federation of Cleveland went on a scouting mission to Israel. That weeklong trip turned into a 20-year partnership with Beit Shean and Valley of Springs, resulting in numerous new programs and initiatives and impacting thousands of people.

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Celebrating Purim with PACT

Tags: Federation, Israel, Overseas, Holidays, Blogs

Celebrating Purim with PACT

Life in Israel is more than what you read in the news. This time of year, Jews all over Israel are getting ready to celebrate Purim! Bags of pre-packaged mishloach manot filled with oznei Haman (hamentashen), candy, games, drinks, masks and more have been on sale in the supermarkets for weeks. Costumes of all sizes and funny hats are sold in small stores on almost every block. Children, teens and even adults appear on the streets in costumes, hats or bits of make-up. Jerusalem billboards announce a myriad of upcoming parties all over the city. Even during the Jerusalem Marathon this past Friday, there was a festive atmosphere as the city’s residents came out en masse to cheer 25,000 friends and relatives.

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