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‘Bravest Thing’ To Stand Up For Jewish People, Israel, Israeli Activist Says

Tags: Federation, Advocacy, Young Adults

‘Bravest Thing’ To Stand Up For Jewish People, Israel, Israeli Activist Says

People and their perspectives are shaped by their identities, and while Hen Mazzig identifies with several minority communities, none is more important than his Jewish identity.

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Action Alert: Urge Congress to Support the Supplemental Aid Package for Israel

Tags: Federation, Blog, Advocacy

Action Alert: Urge Congress to Support the Supplemental Aid Package for Israel

On Tuesday, February 13, the Senate passed a supplemental aid package that includes President Biden’s emergency funding request for Israel. This is a major win for the Jewish Community, and it was made possible by each and every one of you! Thank you for being a part of the push that got this aid one step closer to final passage.

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Israel Activist Mazzig to Speak at Federation’s CRC Annual Meeting

Tags: Federation, Advocacy

Israel Activist Mazzig to Speak at Federation’s CRC Annual Meeting

Israeli activist and speaker Hen Mazzig will travel to Cleveland for two days to speak at several events, including the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s community relations committee annual meeting.

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Letter to Cleveland City Council from Jewish Federation of Cleveland

Tags: Federation, Israel, Advocacy

Letter to Cleveland City Council from Jewish Federation of Cleveland

It has been over 90 days since Israel was attacked on October 7. The conversation has evolved over time, and we would like to clearly state the perspective of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland as it relates to the events of October 7 and the conversation regarding a ceasefire.

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Call for Entries: 2024 Creative Arts Contest

Tags: Arts, Federation, Advocacy, Teens

Call for Entries: 2024 Creative Arts Contest

Enter your artwork or poetry for the 2024 Yom Hashoah V’Hagvurah Creative Arts Contest, Cleveland’s Commemoration of the Holocaust & Heroism.

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Action Alert: Contact Your Representatives

Tags: Federation, Blog, Advocacy

Action Alert: Contact Your Representatives

Please contact your U.S. senators and member of Congress to demand they act to facilitate the safe release of the Israeli and foreign nationals held hostage by Hamas.

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Action Alert: Contact Your Representatives

Tags: Federation, Blog, Advocacy

Action Alert: Contact Your Representatives

Please write and call your members of Congress to thank them for their support of Israel and to reiterate that Israel should not be asked to re-enter a ceasefire with Hamas until all of the hostages are released and the terror organization is no longer able to threaten the safety of innocent lives.

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Cleveland Marches for Israel in Washington, D.C.

Tags: Federation, Israel, Advocacy, Video

Cleveland Marches for Israel in Washington, D.C.

More than 1,700 members of Jewish Cleveland traveled to Washington D. C. to show their support for Israel, demand for the release of the hostages, and to make a very loud and clear statement that Jew hatred has no home in this country.

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WATCH: Jewish Cleveland Holds Vigil For Israeli Hostages

Tags: Federation, Israel, Overseas, Video, Advocacy

WATCH: Jewish Cleveland Holds Vigil For Israeli Hostages

Our community came together for a vigil for the over 200 innocent civilians who were taken hostage during the terrorist attack Hamas waged on Israel on October 7, 2023.

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Action Alert: Urge Congress to Support Israel

Tags: Federation, Blog, Advocacy

Action Alert: Urge Congress to Support Israel

Please take a few moments right now to fill out this form and send a message to your House member and urge them to vote YES on this important bill.

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