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Jewish Response to Nepal

Tags: Nepal, Advocacy, Federation, PR, Giving

Learn more about the what the Jewish Federation of Cleveland is doing in response to this crisis.

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Support Victims of Nepal Earthquake

Tags: Nepal, Advocacy, Federation, PR, Giving, Statement

Support Victims of Nepal Earthquake

Send support to the victims of the Nepal Earthquake

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2,000+ Celebrate Israel’s 67th

Tags: Israel, Holidays, Blog, Federation, Advocacy, Women, Teens, Family, Young Adults, Arts

2,000+ Celebrate Israel’s 67th

A night to remember! Thousands of community members celebrated Israel's 67th birthday, big and loud. 

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Honoring Israel's Fallen Soldiers

Tags: Israel, Holidays, Blog, Federation, Advocacy

Honoring Israel's Fallen Soldiers

Shalom (Hello). My name is Kobi Dostakam, and I am proud to be a Colonel in the IDF and head of the 2015 IDF delegation to Cleveland. I am married to Marina, have four children and have been serving in the IDF for 26 years. Tonight, we mark Yom Hazikaron, the Day of Remembrance for the Fallen Soldiers of Israel.

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Watch Now: Holocaust Education Video

Tags: Federation, Young Adults, Video, Women, Israel, Overseas, Family, Teens, Arts, Advocacy

Watch Now: Holocaust Education Video

No words can adequately describe the suffering of those who experienced the horrors of the Holocaust firsthand. And, no words can adequately describe the heartache felt by the hundreds of Cleveland community members who join together each year to listen to survivors tell their stories at Yom Hashoah V’Hagvurah, on Holocaust Remembrance Day. We created this video in partnership with Kol Israel Foundation to share the importance of Holocaust education. Today, children survivors are nearing the end of their lives and we won’t be able to hear their stories firsthand forever. Please watch and share as we say “Never Again.”

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A Statement on the Iran Deal

Tags: Advocacy, Federation

The Jewish Federations of North America Urges Caution and Congressional Review of Any Iran Deal

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Israel's Independence Day Celebration

Tags: Israel, Overseas, Events, Holidays, Federation, Women, Teens, Family, Advocacy, Arts, Young Adults

Israel's Independence Day Celebration

Celebrate Israel's Independence Day on April 23 with The Idan Raichel Project in concert!

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Analysts Discuss Israeli Elections

Tags: Israel, Federation, Advocacy, Overseas

Analysts Discuss Israeli Elections

Renowned Journalists, Political Analysts to Discuss the Impact of Israeli Elections Results

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Israeli PM's Address to Congress

Tags: Israel, Advocacy, Blog, Federation

Israeli PM's Address to Congress

This morning we were honored to attend the address delivered by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the United States Congress.

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700+ Attend 68th CRC Annual Meeting

Tags: Advocacy, Federation

700+ Attend 68th CRC Annual Meeting

700+ Clevelanders Stand United for Peace and Against Global Anti-Semitism at 68th Annual Meeting of the Community Relations Committee.

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