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WATCH: Combating Antisemitism: A Conversation with Dr. Deborah E. Lipstadt

Tags: Federation, Live, Advocacy

WATCH: Combating Antisemitism: A Conversation with Dr. Deborah E. Lipstadt

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland brought together the Jewish and general Cleveland community for a virtual event with acclaimed author and historian Dr. Deborah E. Lipstadt.

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Thank You to Ohio Reps Standing Up to Antisemitism

Tags: Federation, Advocacy

Thank You to Ohio Reps Standing Up to Antisemitism

Thank you to Representatives David Joyce, Marcy Kaptur, Anthony Gonzalez and Tim Ryan – who each signed on to an important letter from members of the House of Representatives to the Biden Administration calling for more robust measures to combat antisemitism. The letter, which you can read here, calls on President Biden to develop an inter-agency strategy to combat antisemitism and to nominate an Ambassador at Large to lead the Office of the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism at the State Department.

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WATCH: Rally for Israel

Tags: Federation, Advocacy, Israel, Overseas

WATCH: Rally for Israel

When terrorist attacks escalated in Israel in May 2021, Jewish Clevelanders came together to show their unwavering support for the Israeli people and the Jewish homeland at a rally hosted by the Jewish Federation of Cleveland and the Israeli-American Council. On May 12, more than 500 people from our diverse Jewish community marched down Richmond Road to send a message of peace and healing across the world. Rally participants also heard inspirational messages from community leadership and clergy.

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Accepting Israel’s Right to Exist as a Jewish State is the Path to True Peace

Tags: Federation, Israel, Advocacy

Accepting Israel’s Right to Exist as a Jewish State is the Path to True Peace

CLEVELAND – The innocent Palestinian and Israeli lives that have been tragically lost this month are, very sadly, only the latest casualties of an ongoing conflict between Israel and an array of forces seeking Israel’s elimination. These forces include well-known terrorist organizations – like Hamas, Hezbollah (the much larger terrorist organization operating on Israel’s northern borders), and Palestinian Islamic Jihad – as well as the government of Iran.

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WATCH: Introducing the Joyce Garver Keller Institute for Jewish Advocacy

Tags: Federation, Advocacy

WATCH: Introducing the Joyce Garver Keller Institute for Jewish Advocacy

The inaugural Joyce Garver Keller Institute for Jewish Advocacy has launched!

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Cleveland Rally Attracts 500 in Support For Israel

Tags: Federation, Israel, Advocacy

Cleveland Rally Attracts 500 in Support For Israel

More than 500 people grabbed Israeli flags and blue and white clothing and marched to show their support for Israel during the Jewish Federation of Cleveland and the Israeli–American Council’s pro–Israel rally and march May 12.

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This Afternoon at 5 pm: Rally for Israel

Tags: Federation, Israel, Advocacy

This Afternoon at 5 pm: Rally for Israel

As the violent attacks in Israel continue to escalate, Jewish Cleveland is coming together to show our support. Join us as we walk from the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage to the Jewish Federation of Cleveland together in solidarity with Israel, and send a message of peace and healing across the world.

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Bringing Holocaust Education to Students Across Ohio

Tags: Federation, Advocacy

Bringing Holocaust Education to Students Across Ohio

Howie Beigelman, director of the Ohio Jewish Communities (OJC), did not need to see the research to know there was a problem. “The lack of Holocaust knowledge today is shocking – especially in Ohio,” Beigelman said. “Something had to be done to make sure this history will never be forgotten.”

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Kindertransport Organizer’s Kin Stresses Helping Others

Tags: Federation, Advocacy

Kindertransport Organizer’s Kin Stresses Helping Others

Barbara Winton, the daughter of Czech and Slovak Kindertransport organizer Sir Nicholas Winton, urged a virtual crowd of 285 to help others in need like her father did during the Jewish Federation of Cleveland and Kol Israel Foundation’s annual Yom Hashoah V’Hagvurah event April 7.

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WATCH: Yom Hashoah V’Hagvurah

Tags: Federation, Live, Advocacy

WATCH: Yom Hashoah V’Hagvurah

Our community came together for Yom Hashoah V’Hagvurah, a virtual commemoration of the Holocaust and heroism.

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