Action Alert: Make Voting Safe and Accessible During the Pandemic
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Tell our state senators to make voting safe and accessible during the pandemic
As our nation continues to manage its way through the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Jewish Federation of Cleveland strongly believes no Ohioan should have to choose between their health and exercising their right to vote this November. Guided by a commitment to public health and Jewish values, we insist that protective measures must be taken to promote healthy election day polling places, expand in-person early voting, and enhance vote-by-mail efforts, as well as ensure voter registration accessibility. All of this will require a more comprehensive voter outreach and education effort.
State senators in Ohio are currently considering two bills – HB680 and SB191. While these bills are good starting points, we do not think they go far enough. We urge you to call or email your state senators and members of the committee right away to ask them to include additional measures that enable all people to vote without subjecting themselves, their neighbors, or election workers to elevated health risks during the pandemic.
Time is of the Essence: We anticipate these bills will move quickly.
Please vote for HB680 and SB191, but please include these additional measures:
- Mail ballot requests to all registered voters, with prepaid postage for both mail-in applications and ballots.
- Enabling people to request mail ballots online.
- Provide multiple mail-in ballot drop off centers in each county.
Early voting:
- Expanded early voting days/hours, including available weekend days.
- Add early voting locations in each county.
Voter Registration:
- Ensure that online registration mirrors the current process for mail-in voter registration, including allowing those without a driver’s license or state ID, to use other legally acceptable documents for verifying their identification electronically, as well as use an electronic signature where signatures are required.
Healthy election day polling places and funding:
- Provide sufficient additional funding to Boards of Elections for staffing, capital expenses and voter outreach to ensure healthy election day polling places, along with expanded vote-by-mail and early voting.
Please contact your state senator: follow this link to find your senator.
Please contact the leadership of the Senate Committee on Government Oversight and Reform:
Chairman Bill Coley
- coley@ohiosenate.gov
- 614-466-8072
Vice Chair Matt Huffman
- huffman@ohiosenate.gov
- 614-466-7584
Ranking Member Hearcel Craig
- craig@ohiosenate.gov
- 614-466-5131
Please contact President of the Ohio Senate Larry Obhof:
- obhof@ohiosenate.gov
- 614-466-7505
Please also contact Senate Minority Leader Kenny Yuko:
- yuko@ohiosenate.gov
- 614-466-4583