Meet our Board, Staff, & Committee Members

We are pleased to introduce you to our esteemed Board of Trustees, dedicated staff, and engaged standing committee members, that are helping impact and improve lives in Cleveland, Israel, and 70 countries around the globe, each and every day. If you need to connect with someone but can’t find their information here, please call our main phone line at: 216-593-2900 or send an email to Todah!

Board of Trustees

As of July 19, 2024

Executive Officers

Daniel N. Zelman

Daniel N. Zelman
Board Chair

Bradley A. Sherman

Bradley A. Sherman
Vice Chair

Erica G. Starrfield

Erica G. Starrfield
Vice Chair

Jeffrey J. Wild

Jeffrey J. Wild
Vice Chair

Dara G. Yanowitz

Dara G. Yanowitz
Vice Chair

Jeffrey Weiss

Jeffrey Weiss

Beth Wain Brandon

Beth Wain Brandon
Associate Treasurer

Executive Committee

Rabbi Binyamin Blau • Susan R. Borison • Reneé Chelm* • Philip M. Cohen • Robert Goldberg* • Gary L. Gross* • Harley I. Gross* • Rochelle Gross • J. David Heller* • Mark Holz • Amir Jaffa • Ira Kaplan • Ilana Isakov Katz • Suellen Kadis • Kevin D. Margolis • Jared S. Miller • Amy Morgenstern • Jonathon Nisenboum • Albert B. Ratner* • Chuck Horowitz Ratner* • Brian D. Robbins • Sharon Rosenbaum • Michal Soclof • Elisabeth W. Sherman • Michael D. Siegal* • Brian S. Stein • Richard P. Stovsky • Jeanne Tobin • Stephen J. Weinberg* • Sally H. Wertheim* • Morris Wheeler • Danielle Wild • Jason A. Wuliger • Timothy F. Wuliger*


Jordan D. Berkowitz • Rabbi Naphtali Burnstein • Michael Cantor • Jennifer E. Cohen • Lynne M. Cohen • Rabbi Yael Dadoun • Mindy Davidson • Cheryl L. Davis • Shoshana Dessler Jacobs • Grant N. Dinner • Steven A. Eisenberg • Barry S. Feldman • Raquel Flatow Haas • Lydia Frankel • Margaret Richards Frankel • Adam H. Gimbel • Shelley Gimbel • Rachel Glickman • Larry P. Goldberg* • Alan D. Gottlieb • Anita Gray • Roe Green* • Penny Greenberger • Aaron Gross • Erica Hartman-Horvitz* • William H. Heller* • Evan Hirsch • Michael Hoenig • Richard Horvitz • Erin Huber Rosen • Robert A. Immerman* • Gary Isakov • Gabrielle Jerusalem • Mara Kamat • Amy R. Kaplan • Yoni Klein • Terri Kline • Adena J. Klineman • Hallie Bram Kogelschatz • Stewart A. Kohl • S. Lee Kohrman* • Noreen Koppelman-Goldstein • Susan D. Krantz • Karen Krause • Erica Lazzaro • Norma W. Lerner* • Gregg A. Levine • Ryan G. Levine • Jan Lewis • Keith Libman • Mariely Luengo • Milton S. Maltz* • Tamar Maltz* • Susi Y. Meisel • David P. Miller* • Cameron Orlean • David B. Orlean • Abbie Pappas • Ervin Pavlofsky • Marla K. Petti • Dorothea M. Polster • Robert S. Reitman* • Rabbi Scott B. Roland • Barbara Rosskamm • Peter Rzepka* • Evie Safran* • Harvey Sass • Bradley J. Schlang • Mitchell C. Schneider • Marcy Schwartz • Paula R. Schwartz • Martin R. Shankle • Scott M. Simon • Scott J. Spiegle • Karen L. Steiger • Todd Stein • Moish Tohn •Richard Uria • Neil R. Waxman • Penni Weinberg* • Rachel Weinberg • Judith Weiss* • Morry Weiss* • Mitch Wolf • Warren L. Wolfson • Allison Wuliger • Sandra Wuliger* • Alan Yanowitz • Donna Yanowitz* • Darrell A. Young z”l • Andrew Zelman • Don Zigdon

President Emeritus

Stephen H. Hoffman*

Emeritus Trustees

Thomas W. Adler • George N. Aronoff • Jules Belkin • Richard Bogomolny • Barnett N. Bookatz • Reuven D. Dessler • Leslie D. Dunn • Peggy Garson • David Goldberg • Lois K. Goodman • Robert D. Gries z”l • Susan R. Hurwitz • Marvin L. Lader • James A. Ratner • Enid Rosenberg • Barbara S. Rosenthal • Gordon H. Safran z”l • David J. Strauss • Philip Wasserstrom

* life trustee

Standing Committees

As of January 1, 2024

Allocations Committee
Recommends allocation of funds from the Campaign for Jewish Needs (CFJN) that support the community's objectives for health and human services, education, national and overseas agencies. The Committee helps to ensure the effective and efficient use of funds by Federation's beneficiary agencies and surfaces systemic and agency-specific issues for community review and consideration.
Michelle Hirsch, Chair
Loree E. Potash, Subcommittee on Overseas Chair
Jared S. Miller, Subcommittee on Human Services Chair
Elisabeth W. Sherman, Subcommittee on Education Agencies Chair
Gregory A. Marcus, National Agencies Liaison Team Chair

Community Planning Committee
Responsible for identifying unmet service needs and gaps in the community, facilitating a process whereby these needs are addressed, and validating the underlying community need when agencies launch, expand or end major programmatic or capital investments.
Kevin D. Margolis, Chair
Robert Danzinger, Jewish Community Housing, Inc., President

Community Relations Committee
Develops and implements Federation's public affairs agenda, both international and domestic, through advocacy, projects, and relationship-building.
Susan Borison, Chair
Scott D. Garson and Alan Rosskamm, Vice Chairs

Development Committee
Coordinates and oversees all Federation development activities, policies, and procedures, including endowment development, the Campaign for Jewish Needs, participatory and multi-generational family philanthropy, special campaigns (e.g., Centennial, Exodus, etc.), corporate and foundation support, and agency supplemental appeals.
Suellen Kadis, Chair
Beth Wain Brandon, 2023 Campaign for Jewish Needs General Chair
Elaine B. Eisner, Professional Advisory Council Chair
Ilana Isakov Katz, Women IN Philanthropy Chair
Jonathon Nisemboum, Young Leadership Division Chair
Jules Belkin, Shari Perlmuter, and Danielle Wild, Life & Legacy Co-Chairs

Endowment Fund Committee
Created in 1955, gifts to the Endowment Fund represent a commitment to the well-being and security of the Jewish community and to the future of its health, welfare, cultural and educational services. The Endowment Fund Committee recommends grants in order to meet emergencies, to support new and innovative projects, services, studies and scholarship needs or to support other projects. Endowment Fund assets occasionally are also used in support of programs in the general community.
Philip M. Cohen, Chair
Matthew F. Kadish, Donor Advised Fund Advisory Committee Chair
Alan E. Yanowitz, Foundation Advisory Council Chair

Finance and Investment
Manages the Jewish Federation's investments.
Morris Wheeler, Chair

Human Resources Development Committee
Provides strategic counsel and support to the Federation on the vision, goals, resources and deliverables that will frame the work of the Federation’s Human Resources Development department based on trends and best practices in the human resources and leadership development fields for both professional staff and lay leaders. Responsible for assisting with the design and implementation of a comprehensive set of programs to respond to the human resources needs of the Federation and its system of services including: formal training programs, leadership development programs and placement coordination.
Brian D. Robbins, Chair
Sandra Wuliger, ALeRT (Agency Leadership Roundtable) Chair
Marcia Levine, Gries Committee Chair
Sharon Rosenbaum, Andrew Zelman, Mandel Symposium Co-Chairs

Marketing & Communications Committee
Provides strategic counsel and support to the Federation on various marketing and communications initiatives designed to reach and engage target audiences in Jewish Cleveland and the general community. Serves as a sounding board for new ideas and alternative approaches to supporting the organization’s growth agenda through marketing and communications, as well as serves a source for market intelligence, resource identification and relevant best practices.
Brian S. Stein, Chair

Overseas Connections Committee
Develops and funds a wide range of programs and activities that strengthen Jewish Life in Cleveland, Israel, and St. Petersburg, Russia. It aims to involve Clevelanders in an international agenda to build and strengthen the worldwide Jewish community. Its cutting edge projects are developed to create sustainable change and improve Jewish life.
Mark Holz, Chair
Mark Holz, Cleveland/Beit Shean Partnership Subcommittee Chair
Debbie Hoffmann, Cleveland/St. Petersburg Partnership Chair
Scott J. Spiegle, IDF Education Corps/Havat HaShomer Partnership Chair
Judge Dan A. Polster, Jordan/Cross-Border Initiative Chair
Michael D. Stovsky, STEM Subcommittee Chair

Strategic Planning Committee
Produces fundamental decisions and action steps that shape and guide the Jewish Federation of Cleveland; sets strategies to guide the Federation for the next 3-5 years; oversees the development of a plan to implement those strategies; and monitors the implementation.
Danielle Wild, Chair

Senior Staff

Oren Baratz

Oren Baratz
Senior Vice President /
External Affairs

Tami Caplan

Tami Caplan
Senior Vice President /
Chief Human Resources Officer

Mozelle Jackson

Mozelle T. Jackson
Senior Vice President /
Chief Financial Officer

Abbie Levin

Abigail Levin
Senior Vice President

Rachel Lappen

Rachel Lappen
Senior Vice President /
Chief Development Officer

Dan Strom

Dan Strom
Senior Vice President /
Chief Information Officer

Rob Berick

Rob Berick
Vice President
Communications /
Chief Marketing Officer

Mindee Fredman

Mindee Fredman
Vice President /
Supporting Foundations

Melanie Halvorson

Melanie Halvorson
Vice President /
Community Planning and Allocations


Ilanit Kalir

Ilanit Gerblich Kalir
Vice President /
External Affairs

Marc Ashed

Marc Ashed
Assistant Vice President /
External Affairs

Shelley Marcus

Shelley Milin Marcus
Assistant Vice President /

Tracy Bergen

Tracy Bergen
Managing Director /
Marketing Operations

Kari Blumenthal

Kari Blumenthal
Managing Director /

Adam Hirsh

Adam Hirsh
Managing Director /
Community Planning and Allocations

Ellyn Lefko

Ellyn Lefko
Managing Director /
Finance Operations and Reporting

Jeremy Pappas

Rabbi Jeremy Pappas
Managing Director /

Aviva Roland

Aviva C. Roland
Managing Director /
Jewish Volunteer Network

Jennifer Schwarz

Jennifer Schwarz
Managing Director /
Philanthropic Planning

Howard Wolf

Howard Wolf
Managing Director /
Assistant Controller
