
Bellefaire JCB Helps to Tackle the Teen Mental Health Crisis with MRSS Program

Tags: Federation, Teens

In spring 2022, Bellefaire JCB, a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland, was selected by the Board of Cuyahoga County Alcohol, Drug Addiction & Mental Health Services to help launch the state of Ohio’s Mobile Response and Stabilization Services (MRSS). This new county service was created to address the alarming rise in mental health challenges among youth. Its core mission is to keep children safe and supported within their homes by offering comprehensive resources tailored to meet the needs of both the child and their family. Through rapid crisis intervention, MRSS supports children and young adults up to age 21, providing assistance in schools and at home to address mental health challenges before they escalate.

“Through MRSS, we respond to any family-defined crisis within Cuyahoga County,” explained Chava Harris, Bellefaire’s director of crisis services. “If a parent is concerned about their child’s well-being, they can call our hotline, and one of our counselors will arrive within the hour to assess the situation, de-escalate, and ensure everyone’s safety.”

The inclusion of Bellefaire as the healthcare provider for the MRSS program speaks volumes to how highly regarded this beneficiary agency is held within the mental health support community in Cuyahoga County.

“Bellefaire is a crucial part of our community's safety net,” said Elisabeth Sherman, chair of Federation’s Allocation Committee. “Jewish Cleveland – and Greater Cleveland – is so fortunate to have a resource like Bellefaire here to do this impactful work.”

The program’s unique approach to mental health care intervention has already made a significant difference for families. “You can see the gratitude on families’ faces,” shared Harris. “Many families are dealing with complex, compounded trauma. Through MRSS, we now have the ability to intervene and help redirect a family’s path, which is incredibly rewarding.”

“Without MRSS, my daughter would still be struggling,” shared one parent whose family has utilized the MRSS system. “Hospitals kept sending her home, but MRSS arrived right at our door when we needed them. They saved my daughter’s life.”

Another family noted how the MRSS service made their child feel seen and understood. “Through MRSS, our child was connected with a peer recovery specialist who truly related to my child,” said that parent. “That personal connection has proven to be invaluable for our child.”

According to Carl Brass, Bellefaire’s executive director, the human services agency’s long-standing collaboration with the Jewish Federation of Cleveland played an important role in its ability to help kids across Cuyahoga County through MRSS. “Thanks to the Federation, we have a strong track record in reaching young people who might otherwise go unnoticed,” said Brass. “Federation’s support enables us to focus on the community’s evolving needs and take on new, forward-thinking initiatives like MRSS.”

“We were never alone,” said one parent who was asked what made MRSS so special.

Together, Bellefaire and the Federation will continue to collaborate with others to bring stability, hope, and essential mental health support to families across the community – and to ensure they too don’t feel alone in the struggle.

Learn More: Federation, Teens