
Cleveland Women Change the World!

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Thanks to you, the 2014 Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs was a huge success! Collectively, the Cleveland Jewish community raised over $29.6 million to change lives in Cleveland, Israel, and 70 countries around the globe.

The Women’s Campaign, led by co-Chairs Nan Cohen and Jennifer Korach, secured over $3.2 million and over $4.8 million was pledged from individual women across all campaign segments. We are thrilled to report that the Cleveland Jewish community has support from 144 Pomegranates (women who contribute $1,800 - $4,999), 334 Lions of Judah (women who contribute $5,000 or more), and 50 Lion of Judah Endowments. Nan said, “The 2014 Women’s Campaign energized a significant number of new constituencies and invigorated the involvement of our long term committed volunteers by offering unique opportunities to participate. Through the women's annual spring luncheon, projects and programs we broadened our relevance to our contributors and had the joy of sharing meaningful stories that made all of our connections deeper. This translated to an amazingly generous response to our annual campaign and a large number of new participants. 2014 was a year where we broadened our foundation significantly, which can only bode well for our future.”

The Women’s Campaign sincerely thanks Nan Cohen for her two-year term as co-Chair. Nan’s leadership and guidance has been invaluable to our efforts. We are delighted to share that Susan Borison will be stepping in as Nan’s successor effective July 1, 2014, joining the extraordinary work of Jennifer Korach for the remainder of her tenure.

Learn More: Women