February: New and Gently Used Book Collection
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February: New and Gently Used Book Collection
A great opportunity for individuals and families of all ages to do a mitzvah together.
Registration is required.
Sunday, February 20
10 am – 1 pm
Drop off:
Federation back parking lot
25701 Science Park Drive
Beachwood, OH 44122
Gather up gently used books your children are no longer reading or purchase new books to ensure that all kids growing up in Greater Cleveland have books of their own to read and cherish. A book in the hands of a child is a magical thing!
Who are we helping: Kids’ Book Bank will distribute books to children whose families cannot afford to purchase books
New Drop-Off Procedure: Our volunteers' safety is our #1 concern. For added security at drop-off, our Federation security guard will check off your name from our registration list prior to dropping off your donation at the garage in the back of our building.
All ages are welcome.
For more information, contact Susan Hyman at 216-593-2887 or shyman@jcfcleve.org or Jessica Semel at 216-593-2874 or jsemel@jcfcleve.org.