Meet Barry Guttman, YLD Board Chair
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2017 is becoming a very good year for Beachwood’s Barry Guttman. He has recently been named Board Chair of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Young Leadership Division (YLD). “It’s a tremendous honor to serve the community this way,” said Guttman, who served as Vice Chair during the previous board term. “I’m very excited to work with the YLD board and all the other lay leaders to make YLD – and more importantly the community that YLD serves – the best it can be.”
Barry is also ready to take on the responsibility of the title. “I’m looking to create a deeper satisfaction throughout the YLD community. I feel like our generation is hungry for meaning and purpose. We want to preserve this community as well as grow for future generations. Part of the reason why our community remains strong is because we all learn from each other.”
This year is special for Barry on a personal note as well; he’s getting married. “I’m very happy! Becoming engaged and starting a family in Jewish Cleveland is what motivates me to want to do more and make this community so much better than the amazing community it already is. It’s something my fiancée, Samantha deserves and my future children deserve.”
Barry will serve his term on the YLD board alongside new Vice Chair, Natan Milgrom. Also joining the YLD board are Doug Breitenbach, Emily Danzig, Melissa Friedman, Mandy Gross, Gabrielle Jerusalem, Chad Leikin, Hannah Rosen, Marty Shankle, Alizza Shulman, Bryan Stone, and Eric Synenberg.
The Young Leadership Division Board is comprised of young Jewish Clevelanders, ages 22-45, driving YLD activities in the three core areas: engagement, leadership development, and philanthropy.
To learn more about YLD, contact Jessie Bruder at jbruder@jcfcleve.org or 216-593-2869.