The Call That Made the Difference
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If we do not support our Jewish Community and other countries they will not survive or thrive
Therefore I support the Jewish Federation Campaign for Jewish Needs Fundraising Drive.
The same holds true for Israeli needs
Therefore it's one of my most important good deeds.
- Rhoda Seifert
Rhoda Seifert of South Euclid has made an impact on this community and the Campaign for Jewish Needs for many years. “I started out volunteering during Super Sunday many years ago. After that, I came more to help make donation calls for Dialathons.”
On the last day of the 2017 Campaign, Rhoda got one of the biggest surprises on a call. “One of my last pledge cards of the day, I called a regular donor. I first thanked them for their years of support, and then I asked if they’d be willing to increase their gift. I don’t remember exactly what I said to them, but it must have done the trick. They increased their donation by $10,000. It was amazing! I hung up the phone and everyone in the room started clapping. I was just doing my job for this community.”
Rhoda felt so happy to be able to have a part in giving that gift back to the community. “The Campaign supports this community, the Federation supports this community. It’s everyone’s job in this community to give back and support the Federation. My parents instilled Jewish values of tzedakah; I love to give back to Jewish Cleveland.”
With only days left in the 2018 Campaign, it’s now time to make your gift count for the upcoming year. And Rhoda lets the people she talks to that every little bit counts. “I try to push people to donate whatever they can. I enjoy talking to people on the phone and just saying, ‘How about just $5, $10 – that way, you’ll be counted, you’ll be included.’ We all need to do our part.”
Join Rhoda and do you part in the 2018 Campaign for Jewish Needs. Donate Now >>