
Upcoming Events for You

Tags: Federation, Young Families, Young Adults, Arts, Volunteer

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We hope to see you at our upcoming events! During the month of September, we will enjoy cocktails and conversation in the Sukkah and hear about what it means to be Jewish in sports from Koby Altman, General Manager of the Cleveland Cavaliers.

September 23
Ben-Gurion Society Cocktails and Conversation with Koby Altman

Join fellow Ben-Gurion Society (BGS) members for cocktails and conversation in the Sukkah. Connect with like-minded peers and hear from Koby Altman, General Manager of the Cleveland Cavaliers, about what it means to be Jewish in sports and the influence it’s had on his work.

6:30 – 8:30 pm  

The Home of Bradley and Elisabeth Sherman
Address will be provided upon registration


October 10

Super Sunday

Learn More: Federation, Young Families, Young Adults, Arts, Volunteer