Young Families: Meet the Bell Family
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What's Jacki Bell's one piece of advice for young families? Be patient! "Kids are really smart, so often times I can talk through an issue with my 3 year old. Plus, it's all a phase and they don't last long."
Meet Jacki and her family now:
Tell us about your family:
My husband, Brad, and I have been married for almost 9 years. We live in Solon with our two girls, Morgen, age 3, and Murphi, age 1. We spend as much time as we can as a family and also enjoy seeing friends. We can't wait to be able to go out to eat again as a family! Having a 1 yr old puts the halt on that for a while.
What does your family enjoy doing in Cleveland?
We enjoy going to University Circle, the West Side Market, various sporting events, the Science Center, Aquarium, etc. We try to hit the local landmarks.
What do you love about Jewish Cleveland?
Since joining the Chabad in the summer, we enjoy the various programming they have and the events that PJ Library offers. We also plan to become members of the JCC Family Place. It's just nice to meet and reconnect with Jewish families in the area.
How have you incorporated PJ Library® into your home?
My 3 yr old loves getting her books in the mail and we read them together. We also joined a playgroup and attend as many family and adult events as we can.
What’s one lesson you’ve learned as a parent?
Be patient! Kids are really smart, so often times I can talk through an issue with my 3 year old. Plus, it's all a phase and they don't last long.
To begin receiving PJ Library books or to learn more about our Young Families programming, contact Leah Kasmenn at 216-593-2853 or lkasmenn@jcfcleve.org.
In partnership with the Jewish Federation of Cleveland and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, PJ Library® in Cleveland is generously funded by Mort (of blessed memory) and Iris November in celebration of Debra Ann November's life.