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This #GivingTuesday, Give to Jewish Cleveland

Tags: Federation, Blog, Campaign

Tuesday, November 28 is Giving Tuesday. This year, give back to Jewish Cleveland through the 2018 Campaign for Jewish Needs!

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Our #JewishCleveland: Dayna & Cameron Orlean

Tags: Federation, Blog, Leadership, Young Adults

Our #JewishCleveland: Dayna & Cameron Orlean

Our Jewish Cleveland story began about three years ago. We moved back to Northeast Ohio and were eager enough to get in touch with the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Young Leadership Division (YLD) Director, Jessie Bruder.

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Message from Stephen H. Hoffman: This Sukkot, help the helpless.

Tags: Federation, Blog, Advocacy

Temporary housing, water supplied from rocks, mana from heaven to eat – these are the biblical memories evoked by the Sukkot holiday, the Festival of Booths.

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Recognizing Our Local Partners

Tags: Federation, Blog, Campaign, Partners

With just one gift to the Jewish Federation of Cleveland, you are giving to more than 30 partner organizations in Cleveland and around the world.

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Rosh Hashanah 5778 Message from Stephen H. Hoffman

Tags: Federation, Blog

As we begin the process of contemplating our sins we can be very tough on ourselves. As we contemplate the state of our nation we can be even tougher on ourselves. And, as we think about where our relationship with Israel is going – well “tough” may not be the word; how about “complicated?”

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Action Alert: Donate to Victims of 2017 Hurricanes

Tags: Federation, Blog, Advocacy

Action Alert: Donate to Victims of 2017 Hurricanes

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland joins Federations across the country in raising funds for the victims of Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, and Hurricane Maria.

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Action Alert: The People of Houston Need You

Tags: Federation, Blog, Advocacy

Our thoughts are with the people of Houston and the other areas impacted by Hurricane Harvey

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My #JewishCleveland: Oren Kodish

Tags: Federation, Blog, Volunteer, Young Adults

My #JewishCleveland: Oren Kodish

I’m a 23-year-old Clevelander; I grew up in Shaker Heights. My mom is from Israel, my dad is from Akron. Judaism has always been important to us, and I love being a part of Jewish Cleveland.

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My #JewishCleveland: Jennie Becker

Tags: Federation, Blog, Leadership, Young Adults

My #JewishCleveland: Jennie Becker

I grew up in Youngstown, Ohio. In middle school, my family moved to Florida, but we always kept our ties with Northeast Ohio. My brother went to Camp Wise; many years later, I ended up moving back to Cleveland and taking a job as the Assistant Director for Camp Wise.

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icnext Visits Havat Hashomer

Tags: Federation, Blog, Overseas, Israel, Teens

icnext Visits Havat Hashomer

Imagine, a woman in her 20s responsible for delinquent male soldiers. These soldiers grew up with no support system, a criminal background or lived in a foster home. The female commanders at Havat HaShomer are in charge of shaping these young delinquents into the best soldier they can be - to get them up to an acceptable level for entry to the army.

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