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Finding Your Perfect Match

Tags: Dating, Women, Young Adults, Campaign, Federation, Blog

Finding Your Perfect Match

I had the perfect costume this Halloween. It looked great, was easy, and didn’t cost a fortune. Is it something you would wear? Probably not. Was it sewn perfectly and did it have all the best accessories? No. But, it was perfect for me.

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My St. Petersburg Journey

Tags: Russia, Overseas, Young Adults, Leadership, Blog

My St. Petersburg Journey

Jewish Clevelander Alexandra is in St. Petersburg, Russia. She is a JDC Entwine volunteer with the American Jewish Joint Distribution Commmitee (JDC), a Federation partner, teaching English and Hebrew to local students participating in a joint YESOD/Jewish Agency camp called TIUL International.

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A Visit to our Sister City of St. Petersburg, Russia

Tags: Russia, Overseas, Young Adults, Leadership, Blog

A Visit to our Sister City of St. Petersburg, Russia

Barry Feldman, Chair of the St. Petersburg Partnership Subcommittee, shared the following message to his fellow volunteer leaders serving on the Federation's Overseas Connections Committee. We invite you to read his message, and be inspired by the work that we do in our sister city of St. Petersburg, Russia to renew Jewish life where it was once forbidden.

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When a Community Inspires

Tags: Women, Blog, Federation, Israel, Overseas, Leadership, Partners

When a Community Inspires

One of my first memorable Federation experiences was when I went on a young adult mission to Israel 11 years ago. I’d never been to Israel. I was hesitant to leave my children but something in me said “just go, it will be worth it.” And, it was! Israel was simply beautiful. It moved me.

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Giving my Heart to Women’s Philanthropy

Tags: Women, Blog

Giving my Heart to Women’s Philanthropy

To me, the last of anything has always meant turning the page to something new. So ending my role as chair of Women’s Philanthropy is not really an end. My Federation journey and our community needs will remain as relevant a passion tomorrow as they are today.

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A Message from Jerusalem

Tags: Federation, Israel, Blog

A Message from Jerusalem

Here in Jerusalem, the conditions are all too familiar with people expressing gratitude for my coming despite the current situation. I have been here many times during terrorist attacks. This time, however, feels a bit different because the terror is coming from seemingly random attackers, unorganized, but deadly just the same. People continue to go about their business but look around more carefully as they walk on the street, changing familiar routes.

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A D'var Torah on Sukkot 5776

Tags: Divrei Torah, Blog, Federation, Holidays, Women

A D'var Torah on Sukkot 5776

The following d’var torah was presented at the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s All-Staff meeting on September 24, 2015.

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Wishing you a Meaningful Fast

Tags: Holidays, Federation, Blog

Wishing you a Meaningful Fast

The Days of Awe, the ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, are a time of deep personal reflection. Organizationally I take the same responsibility. Is the Federation living up to its stated mission and values? Are we conducting our business in an ethical manner? How are we helping the community in a time of deeply felt differences – on the political front, on the religious front, on foreign and domestic social policies?

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Becky Heller in Her Own Words

Tags: Women, Blog, Volunteer, Campaign, Federation

Becky Heller in Her Own Words

Growing up in Columbus, my family was not nearly as involved in our Jewish community as I am today.

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Courage to Learn

Tags: Women, Israel, Blog, Campaign, Federation, Overseas

Courage to Learn

"Today I have courage,” Sima Goldrich told me. She is an ultra-Orthodox (haaredi) woman who is learning about women’s health – her own health – through a program funded by the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Campaign for Jewish Needs.

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