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Teens Learn Jewish Values, Philanthropy

Tags: Federation, Teens, Philanthropy, Blog

Teens Learn Jewish Values, Philanthropy

On Sunday, October 9, the 2016-17 Saltzman Youth Panel opened our first meeting by talking about an amazing individual. There are many words to describe Maurice Saltzman – orphan, businessman, and entrepreneur are just a few that come to mind. The most important word I can use to describe Mr. Saltzman would be teacher.

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Uses for Honey After the Holidays

Tags: Food, Blog, Federation, Holidays, Women, Family, Teens

Uses for Honey After the Holidays

Many people ask me, “What can I do with all the beautiful honey I have left over after Rosh Hashanah?”

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A Yom Kippur Message

Tags: Federation, Blog

A Yom Kippur Message

In just a little more than 48 hours Jewish tradition suggests that our fates will be sealed for the year to come. Since Rosh Hashanah we have been reflecting on our personal behavior of the past year – our relationships with one another and our relationship with our Creator.

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Shari Perlmuter in Her Own Words

Tags: Women, Blog, Volunteer, Campaign, Federation

Shari Perlmuter in Her Own Words

Shari Perlmuter grew up in Jewish Cleveland and has spent a lifetime not only giving her time and money to the Jewish Federation of Cleveland but her heart as well. In recognition of that lifelong commitment and passion for the Federation and the Jewish community, Shari is receiving this year’s Ruby Bass Award. Shari hopes her legacy of tikkun olam (repairing the world) lives on for years to come.

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My #JewishCleveland: Sam Krichevsky

Tags: Federation, Blog, Young Adult, Overseas

My #JewishCleveland: Sam Krichevsky

“If Federation wasn’t there helping my family, I wouldn’t be who I am and where I am today.”

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Celebrate the Coming of the New Year

Tags: Federation, Blog

We are in the Hebrew month of Elul, the month before Rosh Hashanah, the month that we hear the sound of the shofar at daily morning prayers. The shofar blast is designed to “startle” us – to prepare us for the deep introspection that marks the new year.

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Sammie's Internship with Onward Israel

Tags: Onward, Federation, Blog, Young Adult, Israel, Overseas

Sammie's Internship with Onward Israel

Hi, my name is Sammie Jacobs. I was born and raised in Beachwood, and will be a Senior at Case Western Reserve University this fall. I participated on Onward Israel this past summer, and was one of 42 Clevelanders who went on Onward this year.

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D’var Torah: August 2016

Tags: Divrei Torah, Blog, Federation, Leadership

The following d’var torah was presented at the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Board of Trustees Meeting on August 18, 2016.

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Sammie's Onward Israel Experience

Tags: Onward, Federation, Blog, Young Adult, Israel, Overseas

Sammie's Onward Israel Experience

Hi, my name is Sammie Jacobs. I was born and raised in Beachwood, and will be a Senior at Case Western Reserve University this fall. I participated on Onward Israel this past summer, and was one of 42 Clevelanders who went on Onward this year.

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My #JewishCleveland: Doug Breitenbach

Tags: Federation, Blog, Young Adult, Partners

My #JewishCleveland: Doug Breitenbach

Leader. Ambitious. Hard worker. 29-year-old Doug Breitenbach is all this and more. A Cleveland native, Doug recently moved back home after living and building a successful wealth management career in Washington, D.C. for seven years.

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