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Message from Danielle Wild, Women's Philanthropy Chair

Tags: Women, Blog

I hope that everyone had a wonderful and meaningful Passover, replete with beautiful seders spent with family and friends. I know that I did and I really enjoyed the time spent together. As we are now getting a true taste of spring, it is time to look forward to our Spring Brunch, which is a new take on our Annual Spring Luncheon.

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A Shabbat Message from National Women's Philanthropy

Tags: Women, Blog

We invite you to read this message from National Women's Philanthropy (NWP) Board Member, Sandi Fried from Kansas City.

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Message from Danielle Wild, Women's Philanthropy Chair

Tags: Women, Blog

Thanks to all of you, we have once again demonstrated the Power of Women in the 2019 Campaign for Jewish Needs.  Women’s Philanthropy raised $4,365,891 from 3,714 donors this year!  Through our efforts, women helped in reversing the donor count for the first time in over a decade, bringing us to over 10,000 donors in total.

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Celebrating Our Differences: Saltzman Youth Panel Blog

Tags: Federation, Teens, Philanthropy, Blog

Celebrating Our Differences: Saltzman Youth Panel Blog

The Saltzman youth panel 2018-2019 is off to an amazing start! We are already on pace to have a great year and make a huge impact in our Jewish Community.

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Highlights from the 2018 General Assembly

Tags: Federation, Blog

Highlights from the 2018 General Assembly

More than 3,000 people attended the 87th GA which took place this year Tel Aviv, Israel. The annual event came at an interesting time as Jews across North America have increasing voiced frustration over decisions made by the Government of Israel that adversely impacts them.

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A D’var Torah about the Lehava Delegation

Tags: Divrei Torah, Blog, Federation, Overseas

The following d’var torah was presented at the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Board of Trustees Meeting on July 25, 2018.

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Message from Danielle Wild, Women's Philanthropy Chair

Tags: Women, Blog

I recently returned from a Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) trip to Berlin and Budapest to see the overseas programs that the dollars we raise help fund. There were so many examples of ways that we are giving people what they otherwise would not have—community, safety, Judaism, to name a few. The program that hit home the most for me was a visit to Camp Szarvas in Hungary.

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Meet Rebecca Fleisher, Women's Philanthropy Associate

Tags: Women, Blog

I'm excited to introduce myself to this wonderful group of generous, welcoming, and vibrant women! My name is Rebecca Fleisher and I am thrilled and proud to be the new Associate for Women’s Philanthropy.

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The Secret of Cheesecake for Shavuot

Tags: Blog, Federation, Holidays

The Secret of Cheesecake for Shavuot

Shavuot is a holiday celebrating the time when the Jewish people harvested their last grain of the season, and begin harvesting their fruit crops. A tradition is eating dairy foods including cheesecake, blintzes, and quiches to symbolize the kosher food laws in the Torah.

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Experiencing Israel through Arts and Culture

Tags: Federation, Blog, Arts, Israel, Overseas

Experiencing Israel through Arts and Culture

We recently concluded our 8-day Israel Arts and Culture Mission with a beautiful dinner at the Israel Museum, where our group got to share a few thoughts about what we experienced as we explored the depth and breadth of visual arts, music, dance, theater, architecture, literature, jewelry and textile design, and of course, the culinary arts! Somehow we managed to fit in all of those things between meals!

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