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Standing Up for What You Believe In

Tags: Campaign, Federation, Advocacy, Young Adults, Blog

Standing Up for What You Believe In

I am Daniel Pearlman and I grew up here, in Solon. From an early age, my identity was shaped by the Jewish Cleveland community. I went to preschool at Jewish Day Nursery, affiliated with Bellefaire, a Federation partner. Of course, I didn’t know that at the time. All I knew was that I loved the environment around me. Even today, I am still close with some of my preschool friends.

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Elul: the Month of Love

Tags: Dating, Women, Young Adults, Federation, Blog

Elul: the Month of Love

I am for my beloved and my beloved is for me (Ani L’Dodi V’Dodi Li). Some Jews are familiar with this phrase from Song of Songs. It is recited at weddings and inscribed on jewelry.

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A Rabbi’s High Holidays Message

Tags: Holidays, Blog

Kol Hakavod, Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk, of Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple, for a thought-provoking column on the High Holidays, as featured in Cleveland.com. Read his article below.

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Lessons of Caring

Tags: Federation, Cemetery, Giving, Blog

Lessons of Caring

As a little girl, Janet and her grandmother took street car rides to the Lansing Cemetery in Cleveland where they cleaned the graves and maintained the surroundings, ensuring the dignity of the departed. Janet Ghiandoni grew up in Cleveland Heights and visited Lansing with her grandmother several times a year. She distinctly remembers visiting the graves of many relatives she hardly knew anything about.

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Announcing: CJN’s Free Digital Archives

Tags: Federation, Blog

As Publisher and CEO of the Cleveland Jewish News, I want to invite the Cleveland Jewish community to enjoy access to our free digital archives. Here’s the story:

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Next Generation Strengthens Jewish CLE

Tags: Divrei Torah, Onward, Israel, Partner, Young Adults, Blog

Moses never entered the Promised Land, but I’m a lucky Jewish kid from Cleveland, so I was able to.

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Sivan’s Onward Israel Experience

Tags: Federation, Onward, Israel, Overseas, Young Adults, Women, Blog, I-connect

Sivan’s Onward Israel Experience

Meet Sivan. She’s a Cleveland native, but this summer she’s living and interning in Israel! Sivan is a participant with Onward Israel Cleveland, a program that allows 20-25 year olds to spend their summers living and interning for 8 weeks in Tel Aviv. Follow Sivan’s journey every week to see all the amazing things she’s doing while in Tel Aviv! To learn more about this experience, visit our I-connect page.

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Wear White this Summer

Tags: Dating, Women, Young Adults, Federation, Blog

Wear White this Summer

July 30 is the perfect day to wear white. It clearly falls between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

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Hillel was my life, Israel is my love

Tags: Israel, PR, Overseas, Partner, Blog

Hillel was my life, Israel is my love

Soldiers from the Israel Defense Forces uncovered similarities in their work with troubled youth during a visit to Bellefaire JCB in University Heights on April 24. The soldiers, who were visiting Cleveland for a week to participate in Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut ceremonies in the area, engaged in a professional exchange of ideas with Bellefaire employees and mental health professionals during their time at the facility.

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Improving the World Together

Tags: Divrei Torah, Federation, Blog

In this week’s Torah portion, Balak, a non-Jewish king, anticipates that the approaching Jewish nation may attack and defeat his people. To preempt this, Balak hires Bilaam, one of the most powerful non-Jewish prophets, to curse the potential enemy, so that, should they choose to wage war, they would not be victorious.

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