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When Jews Are Hurting, We Are There

Tags: Federation, Blog

When Jews Are Hurting, We Are There

When Jews are hurting anywhere in the world, we show up. When Israel is hurting, we show up. This week, we traveled to Israel for 24 hours because Israel is hurting. We joined leaders from Jewish communities across North America to show our love for our Israeli brothers and sisters at this challenging time.

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Lighting a Third Shabbat Candle for Ukraine

Tags: Federation, Blog

Lighting a Third Shabbat Candle for Ukraine

We were there from the start. One year ago tomorrow the war in Ukraine began. Immediately, the Jewish Federation, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) and the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) and their partners mobilized to deliver lifesaving aid and care for tens of thousands of Jews and their neighbors in and outside of Ukraine.

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Keeping Jewish Cleveland Safe

Tags: Federation, Blog

Keeping Jewish Cleveland Safe

This week, we had one of the most important discussions that our Federation can have – one that is sadly still needed to have. This week, we met with middle schoolers at Gross Schechter Day School to discuss all that we are doing to help keep them safe.

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Keeping Cleveland Stronger Than Hate

Tags: Federation, Blog, Advocacy

Keeping Cleveland Stronger Than Hate

This time in the Hebrew calendar is known for heshbon hanefesh – accounting of the soul, a time of self-reflection.

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Dollars Given Locally Help Around the World, Too

Tags: Federation, Blog, Overseas, Israel

Dollars Given Locally Help Around the World, Too

Almost five weeks ago, I walked into the Addis Ababa airport to greet 209 Ethiopian Jews who were about to make aliyah, ending the wait their families had endured for generations – to fulfill the promise of making their way to Jerusalem “delivered on the wings of eagles.” The strength, courage and focus of these men, women, and children were every bit as steadfast as the wings on the airplane that was about to fly four hours to Israel, where their dreams would finally come true.

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Through Tzedakah, We Enhance Jewish Lives, One by One

Tags: Federation, Blog

Through Tzedakah, We Enhance Jewish Lives, One by One

At this time of year, life in Jewish Cleveland feels deeply infused with power and meaning. As we approach the High Holy Days, everything is changing around us in a series of transitions – the season turning from summer to fall, another year ending and beginning, and, for many, the start of a new school year.

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It Is Up to Us to Write the Next Chapter

Tags: Federation, Blog

It Is Up to Us to Write the Next Chapter

This time in the Hebrew calendar is known for heshbon hanefesh – accounting of the soul, a time of self-reflection.

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Action Alert: Urge Congress to Support Israel as it Combats Terrorism

Tags: Federation, Blog, Advocacy

Action Alert: Urge Congress to Support Israel as it Combats Terrorism

Since Friday, nearly 1,000 rockets have been indiscriminately fired into Israel by Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), a U.S.-designated terror organization. And at least 120 fell short of the border and landed in the Gaza Strip causing damage and casualties to Palestinians.

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Beneficiary Designations – Easy Way to Create Legacy

Tags: Federation, Blog, Philanthropy

You want to leave a meaningful legacy but don’t know how. Your answer will reflect your personal values, priorities, family and less importantly, your financial situation. A charitable bequest is perhaps the most tangible way to express your values while leaving a lasting impact on your community and the organizations that mean the most to you. While you can certainly use a will or trust to provide a charitable bequest, a beneficiary designation may be an even better and easier choice

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Standing Together

Tags: Federation, Blog, Overseas, Israel

Standing Together

I am writing this on a plane from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to Israel. Jewish Cleveland community leader, Jeffrey Wild, and I traveled to Ethiopia with the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI). The trip was designed to teach us more about the Ethiopian Jewish community’s history and current reality; and allow us to accompany 180 Ethiopians as they made Aliyah as part of Operation Tzur Yisrael Chapter Two to be reunified with family in Israel.

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