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Reflections from Poland and Ukraine

Tags: Federation, Blog, Overseas

Reflections from Poland and Ukraine

It is our responsibility to learn from history lest it will repeat itself. This is a lesson that we take very seriously, and that we act on.

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From Egypt to Ukraine – the Story of Passover

Tags: Federation, Blog, Overseas

From Egypt to Ukraine – the Story of Passover

It is the act of telling and retelling the exodus that allows us and each generation to see ourselves as an undeniable part of our community’s evolving story.

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When There's a Will, There's a Way

Tags: Federation, Blog, Philanthropy

Carol Wolf

As a philanthropic planning professional, I see how wonderful people feel when they create personal legacy plans. It is so satisfying to help people discover how they can make a lasting impact and continue supporting their community into the future.

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Watch: Federation's Impact in Ukraine

Tags: Federation, Blog, Overseas, Video

Watch: Federation's Impact in Ukraine

As the needs in Ukraine are growing, your Federation and our partners are there – helping the Jewish community. Watch the video to see the impact your donations make.

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Moving Forward Together

Tags: Federation, Blog

Moving Forward Together

Next Wednesday evening, we will celebrate the Jewish holiday of Purim which tells the miraculous story of the Jews of Persia being saved from massacre. As the Book of Esther is read, we are reminded that Queen Esther comes to the realization that she was there in that moment in time for a reason. She had to act – in order for the community to be saved.

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Watch: A Moving Video from Ukraine

Tags: Federation, Blog, Overseas, Video

Watch: A Moving Video from Ukraine

Watch an emotional video from our partners, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, about the current crisis in Ukraine.

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Watch: Celebrating 75 Years: Community Relations Committee Annual Meeting

Tags: Federation, Blog, Advocacy, Video

Watch: Celebrating 75 Years: Community Relations Committee Annual Meeting

Throughout previous generations, the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Community Relations Committee (CRC) has fought against antisemitism and other forms of bigotry, defended Jewish interests, improved relationships with the non-Jewish community, protected democracy, and supported Israel.

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Action Alert: Urge Congress to Support the Ukrainian People

Tags: Federation, Blog, Advocacy

Action Alert: Urge Congress to Support the Ukrainian People

As the war in Ukraine rages on and over a million refugees flee the country, Jewish communities call on Congress for more assistance on the ground and support for refugee resettlement in the U.S.

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Watch: Update from Ukraine

Tags: Federation, Blog, Overseas, Video

Watch: Update from Ukraine

Ukraine is in crisis. The global Jewish community is needed more than ever.

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Giving Vital Help to the People of Odessa, Ukraine

Tags: Federation, Blog

Giving Vital Help to the People of Odessa, Ukraine

Natalia was born in Dnipro on April 15, 1934. Her family moved to Odessa in 1938. In 1941 the family was evacuated to Siberia (in total, there were 10 family members there, and Natalia’s mother was in charge of them). She started school there and continued her education in Odessa, when the family moved back there in 1946.

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