
Adlers Endow Civic Leaders Mission

Tags: Federation, PR, Israel, Overseas, Advocacy

Adlers Endow Civic Leaders Mission

This July, 40 of Cleveland’s esteemed civic leaders will travel to Israel on the Thomas and Joann Adler Civic Leaders Israel Mission. This new biennial mission launched by the Adlers of Shaker Heights was established through an endowment at the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. The purpose is to expose Cleveland leadership to Israel’s innovative approaches to economic and community development, education and support of at-risk and disadvantaged populations, and to create opportunities for partnership with each other and Israeli counterparts.

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Shabbat Message from Steve Hoffman

Tags: Federation, Blog

Shabbat Message from Steve Hoffman

A siren wailed for two minutes. The streets of Rehovot came to a complete stop. People stood in silence on the sidewalks, drivers stopped their cars on the street and climbed out and stood at the door – everyone thinking of the memory of the six million Jews lost in the Holocaust.

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Why We Love Gesher

Tags: Federation, Volunteer

Why We Love Gesher

We aspire to leave no community member behind.

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Day Schools Visit Our Sister City

Tags: Teens, Israel, Overseas, Federation

Day Schools Visit Our Sister City

8th Graders at Gross Schechter Day School and Mandel Jewish Day School are embarking on an Israel journey – read about their experience visiting our sister city of Beit Shean here!

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Mensch of the Month: Meet Gail Weintraub

Tags: Federation, Volunteer

Mensch of the Month: Meet Gail Weintraub

Find out how Gail Weintraub of Beachwood is making an IMPACT! by volunteering.

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Yom Hazikaron to Honor Israeli Soldiers

Tags: Advocacy, Federation, PR, Israel, Overseas

Yom Hazikaron to Honor Israeli Soldiers

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland will hold a Yom Hazikaron ceremony to honor Israel Defense Forces soldiers who died fighting and Israeli civilian victims of terror at 7 p.m. April 30 at the Mandel Jewish Community Center in Beachwood.

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Watch: Zikaron BaSalon on ideastream

Tags: Advocacy, Federation, PR, Young Adults

Watch: Zikaron BaSalon on ideastream

This Holocaust Remembrance Day, Cleveland is following an Israeli tradition of Zikaron Basalon, which is Hebrew for “memories in the living room.”

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My #JewishCleveland: Josh Adler

Tags: Federation, Blog, Young Adult, Overseas, Israel

My #JewishCleveland: Josh Adler

“You make time for what’s important in your life and Jewish Cleveland is important to me.”

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Young Families: Meet the Sears Family

Tags: Federation, Education, Family

Young Families: Meet the Sears Family

Genny and Ryan Sears of Chagrin Falls love being a young family in Jewish Cleveland. From ice skating with their daughters to enjoying the Cleveland Metroparks, they love spending time together – especially reading a PJ Library book.

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Cleveland Commemorates Holocaust

Tags: Federation, PR, Advocacy

Cleveland Commemorates Holocaust

Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple in Beachwood had a full house April 23 for the Cleveland area’s Yom Hashoah V’Hagvurah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day, to remember the 6 million Jews who died in the Holocaust and to honor those still living in the community.

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