
Finding the Perfect Fit in Israel

Tags: Federation, Israel, Overseas, Young Adults

Finding the Perfect Fit in Israel

Hannah Firestone has dreams of becoming a United States Supreme Court Judge. The Beachwood resident and Allegheny College senior started her path to fulfilling her career dreams last summer through Cleveland’s Onward Israel internship program.

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Five Questions with General Mansour abu Rashid

Tags: Federation, Advocacy, Israel, Overseas

Five Questions with General Mansour abu Rashid

General Mansour abu Rashid of Jordan spent his entire military career and post-military career promoting peace in the Middle East including his role in the 1994 signing of the Peace Treaty Accord between Israel and Jordan. His efforts have successfully led to a Jordan/Cross-Border Initiative between Jordanians and Israelis in Beit Shean, Cleveland’s sister city.

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Federation CRC Annual Meeting and Vincent Memorial Lecture

Tags: Advocacy, Israel, Overseas

Federation CRC Annual Meeting and Vincent Memorial Lecture

On Jan. 24, the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s community relations committee held its 72nd annual meeting in conjunction with the Sidney Z. Vincent Memorial Lecture at the Mandel Jewish Community Center in Beachwood for 225 attendees, including many community leaders.

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Why We Volunteer with College Now

Tags: Federation, Volunteer

Why We Volunteer with College Now

The Jewish Federation aspires to leave no community member behind, and College Now is truly a partner in this aspiration. College Now believes that every individual’s success contributes directly to the success of our entire region, and seeks to connect individuals to postsecondary training programs, including college.

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Volunteers of the Month: Joyce & George Becker

Tags: Volunteer

Volunteers of the Month: Joyce & George Becker

Find out how Joyce and George Becker are making an IMPACT! by volunteering.

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What's Happening in February: Upcoming Events

Tags: Federation

What's Happening in February: Upcoming Events

We hope you'll join us at some of our upcoming Federation events this month. There's something for everyone! To learn more or register, simply click on the links corresponding to the event you're interested in attending.

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Security Talk a Wake-up Call for Members of Synagogues, Churches, Mosques

Tags: Federation

Members of synagogues, churches and mosques listened to law enforcement officials and security professionals, watched video footage of crimes and emergencies Jan. 29 at the Mandel Jewish Community Center in Beachwood.

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Beit Shean Library Inspires Change at Cleveland Public Library

Tags: Federation, Advocacy, Israel, Overseas

Beit Shean Library Inspires Change at Cleveland Public Library

When Felton Thomas Jr., Cleveland Public Library executive director and CEO, visited the library in Beit Shean, Israel, he was initially thrown off by how its run but quickly became inspired to install a similar approach at Cleveland Public Library with help in part from a Jewish fellow.

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Bringing Light to Kaliningrad

Tags: Federation, Israel, Overseas

Bringing Light to Kaliningrad

On November 9, 1938, Nazis in Germany torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools and businesses, and killed close to 100 Jews. That horrific night has been forever known as Kristallnacht – “the night of broken glass.”

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Security Training Event Open to Entire Community

Tags: Federation

The Pittsburgh shootings and a thwarted similar plot in December outside of Toledo have propelled a free public training event for faith-based communities on Jan. 29.

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