
Watch Now: Annual Meeting Recording

Tags: Federation

Watch Now: Annual Meeting Recording

Did you miss the Jewish Federation of Cleveland's 113th Annual Meeting? Watch a video recording of the event below.

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500+ Attend 113th Annual Meeting

Tags: Federation

500+ Attend 113th Annual Meeting

Last night, more than 500 people filled the room and tuned in via Live Stream for the 113th Annual Meeting of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland, where we honored Michael Siegal as this year's Charles Eisenman Award recipient, our highest civic honor.

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Siegal Accepts Award at Annual Meeting

Tags: Federation, PR

Siegal Accepts Award at Annual Meeting

Michael Siegal, chair and CEO of Olympic Steel and a Gates Mills resident was awarded the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s highest honor at its 113th annual meeting April 20 at B’nai Jeshurun Congregation in Pepper Pike, which included a video congratulations message from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

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Raichel Returns for Yom Ha'atzmaut

Tags: Advocacy, Federation, PR, Israel, Overseas, Arts

Raichel Returns for Yom Ha'atzmaut

For Israeli musician and singer Idan Raichel, a few themes run across his 15 years of recording albums: collaboration, culture and emotional connection to the audience.

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The Power of 'Coaching Circles'

Tags: Federation, Young Adults, PR, Women

The Power of 'Coaching Circles'

Life is busy. When you aren’t on deadline at work, you’re trying to schedule a happy hour with friends, or find time to volunteer with an organization you love. As young professionals, it can be difficult to find time to reflect on the accomplishments you’ve had and challenges you face in your professional, personal and volunteer life – “coaching circles” can help with that.

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Jewish Clevelanders' Passover Memories

Tags: Federation, Blog

Passover is a holiday that brings everyone together. We all have our own Pesach story and tradition. Read what some Jewish Clevelanders say is their favorite memory from the holiday. Chag Sameach!

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Siegal to be Honored at Annual Meeting

Tags: Federation, PR

Siegal to be Honored at Annual Meeting

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland will hold its 113th annual meeting at 7:30 p.m. April 20 when it will present its highest honor, the 2017 Charles Eisenman Award for Exceptional Community Service, to Michael Siegal, chair and CEO of Olympic Steel.

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Field of Jewish Dreams

Tags: Federation, Israel, Overseas

Field of Jewish Dreams

Baseball is sometimes referred to as “America’s Pastime,” but this year’s World Baseball Classic (WBC) quickly became an Israeli sensation. Team Israel made it to the second round of the WBC, and not only dominated the tournament on the field, they created an international phenomenon – and Jewish Cleveland had a lot to do with that.

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Idan Raichel Returns to Cleveland

Tags: Federation, PR, Israel, Overseas, Arts

Idan Raichel Returns to Cleveland

International singing sensation Idan Raichel is back in Cleveland! The community is invited attend to a free concert by Raichel as part of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s 69th Independence Day Celebration, on Tuesday, May 2 at 5:30 pm at Landerhaven in Mayfield Heights.

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Free Books for Parents: It's Your Turn!

Tags: Education, Family

Free Books for Parents: It's Your Turn!

This month PJ Library invites you to select a free “grown-up” Jewish book.

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