
Watch: A Moving Video from Ukraine

Tags: Federation, Blog, Overseas, Video

Watch: A Moving Video from Ukraine

Watch an emotional video from our partners, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, about the current crisis in Ukraine.

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Watch: Celebrating 75 Years: Community Relations Committee Annual Meeting

Tags: Federation, Blog, Advocacy, Video

Watch: Celebrating 75 Years: Community Relations Committee Annual Meeting

Throughout previous generations, the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Community Relations Committee (CRC) has fought against antisemitism and other forms of bigotry, defended Jewish interests, improved relationships with the non-Jewish community, protected democracy, and supported Israel.

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Action Alert: Urge Congress to Support the Ukrainian People

Tags: Federation, Blog, Advocacy

Action Alert: Urge Congress to Support the Ukrainian People

As the war in Ukraine rages on and over a million refugees flee the country, Jewish communities call on Congress for more assistance on the ground and support for refugee resettlement in the U.S.

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Inside the Play: Oasis

Tags: Federation, Live, Israel, Arts

Inside the Play: Oasis

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland's Cleveland Israel Arts Connection was proud to present the production of “Oasis,” a play written and performed by Amir Peter and directed by Hen David.

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Watch: Update from Ukraine

Tags: Federation, Blog, Overseas, Video

Watch: Update from Ukraine

Ukraine is in crisis. The global Jewish community is needed more than ever.

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Jewish Federation Announces New Scholarship Opportunity for Jewish Summer Camp Counselors

Tags: Federation, Young Adults

Jewish Federation Announces New Scholarship Opportunity for Jewish Summer Camp Counselors

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland announced today a new scholarship opportunity for Jewish Clevelanders who plan to work as staff at select Jewish overnight summer camps. The “Mandel Myers Fellowship Program” – funded by a $1,800,000 grant from the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Supporting Foundation and a grant of $150,000 a year for the next three years from the David and Inez Myers Foundation – will enable Jewish overnight camps to attract and retain high caliber staff, help students from Cleveland offset the costs associated with attending a four-year accredited university, and add professional development experience to the camp counselor role to make it more competitive with other internship opportunities.

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Upcoming Events for You

Tags: Federation, Young Families, Young Adults, Women

Upcoming Events for You

This March, we will discuss contemporary antisemitism with renowned author Dara Horn, support the community by donating baby supplies and volunteering at the Cleveland Chesed Center, enjoy fun events for young families, and more.

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Paying It Forward

Tags: Federation, Philanthropy

Paying It Forward

Like many, Larry Mack’s early memories of tzedakah are tied to the iconic blue Jewish National Fund (JNF) boxes. His family had one at home, and he can still remember when the representative from JNF visited and opened the box with her special key and counted the money they had raised right in front of them. Similarly, at Sunday school at the Temple Tifereth-Israel there was a collection box for Keren-Ami, and Larry brought in coins each week to do his part, reinforcing the lesson that the Jewish people care for one another.

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Serendipitous or Beshert

Tags: Federation, Philanthropy

Serendipitous or Beshert

Erwin’s only wish was to enable Jewish children to access a formal education, which he will now do for generations to come.

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jHUB Creates a Big Tent for All

Tags: Federation, Philanthropy

jHUB Creates a Big Tent for All

jHUB’s mission is to provide a new way for interfaith couples and families to comfortably explore, discover, and personalize the meaning of Jewish culture and values.

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