
Watch All #JewishCleveland Street Team Videos

Tags: Video, Young Adults

Watch All #JewishCleveland Street Team Videos

Our #JewishCleveland Street Team had an awesome summer, meeting with local Jewish Clevelanders all over our city! Watch all of their videos now.

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How Young Leaders are Going Global

Tags: Federation, Young Adults, Israel, Overseas PR

How Young Leaders are Going Global

Traveling the world is something many people dream of: Seeing the Eiffel Tower light up in Paris, posing with the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy, walking the Great Wall of China – there are so many choices of places to go, things to see, and people to meet.

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Announcing: Double Your Impact Match

Tags: Federation, PR, Campaign

Announcing: Double Your Impact Match

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland has launched the “Double Your Impact Match,” an unprecedented match initiative to benefit the Campaign for Jewish Needs, the annual fundraising campaign that ensures our community’s vitality and vibrancy in the year ahead. To learn more or make a gift, visit www.jewishcleveland.org.

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CLE Makes History with Dr. Lipstadt

Tags: Federation, Campaign

CLE Makes History with Dr. Lipstadt

In 1996, when author and historian, Dr. Deborah E. Lipstadt, was sued by right wing extremist, David Irving for libel, the Jewish Federation of Cleveland was there to help cover expenses of defending the Holocaust in British court, alongside Jewish communities across the country.

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Honoring Roe Green

Tags: Women, Blog, Volunteer, Federation, Arts

Honoring Roe Green

It's the ultimate gift - to give of yourself. This year, Jewish Federation of Cleveland Board member, Roe Green, is being honored for her years of generosity.

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Celebrate Community at the Challah Bake

Tags: Food, Women, Teens, Family, Young Adults, Federation

Celebrate Community at the Challah Bake

I don’t know about you, but even though I feel ready to get back to my routine after the disruption of the Jewish High Holidays and Sukkot, there is usually a part of me that feels a bit down. I miss the sense of community that is almost palpable at this time of year.

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7th Annual Chanukah in a Basket

Tags: Volunteer, Federation, Family, PJ Library

7th Annual Chanukah in a Basket

Share the light of Chanukah by donating gifts to our Jewish community's neediest children and families.

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Lipstadt Puts "History on Trial"

Tags: Federation, PR, Campaign

Lipstadt Puts "History on Trial"

Deborah E. Lipstadt, Jewish history professor and author, discussed her work and experiences battling a Holocaust denier in court, which inspired the new film “Denial,” Oct. 27 at Landerhaven in Mayfield Heights.

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The Fieldman Family Visits Beit Shean

Tags: Federation, Israel, Overseas, Family, Education, PJ Library

The Fieldman Family Visits Beit Shean

As a member of the Federation's Overseas Connections Committee (OCC), and former Roslyn Z. Wolf JDC International Fellows stationed in St. Petersburg, Russia back in 2006-2007, my husband Matt and I have seen firsthand the life-changing work that the Cleveland Jewish community conducts through its partnership overseas in Russia. However, we recently had a chance to see first-hand the work that our community does to support our other sister city in Beit Shean, Israel.

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Night to Remember with Dr. Lipstadt

Tags: Federation, Campaign

Night to Remember with Dr. Lipstadt

A night to remember! Thank you to the 400+ community members who joined together for "History on Trial," an exclusive evening with acclaimed author and historian, Dr. Deborah E. Lipstadt.

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