
Remembering Morton L. Mandel

Tags: Federation

Remembering Morton L. Mandel

We are saddened to share the loss of Morton L. Mandel z"l, a visionary philanthropic force in Cleveland, Israel, and around the world.

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Apply Now: YLD Microgrant Program

Tags: Federation, Young Adult

Apply Now: YLD Microgrant Program

What is the change you want to see in your community? Apply now for a YLD Microgrant!

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Apply Now for MCAL

Tags: Leadership

Apply Now for MCAL

Take your leadership to the next level with the Mandel Course for Advanced Leadership (MCAL).

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Asking Important Questions This New Year

Tags: Federation, Holidays, Blogs

Asking Important Questions This New Year

At this same point each year many of us are known to express that the holidays are always early or late but never on time. Time is a very important concept to the Jewish people. We are a people that marks both the passing of time and distinctions between time.

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Watch Now: Making a Difference with Our Local Beneficiary Agencies

Tags: Federation, Video

Watch Now: Making a Difference with Our Local Beneficiary Agencies

When you support the Federation's Campaign for Jewish Needs, you support 15 local beneficiary agencies that provide necessary services and support to our Cleveland Jewish community.

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Federation Raises $1,089,684 on Super Sunday

Tags: Federation, PR, Campaign

Federation Raises $1,089,684 on Super Sunday

Nearly 1,000 volunteers made telephone calls for 10 hours on Sept. 22 for the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Campaign for Jewish Needs’ Super Sunday.

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Beth Wain Brandon Receives Prestigious Gries Family Award

Tags: Awards, Federation, Featured, PR

Beth Wain Brandon Receives Prestigious Gries Family Award

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland announced that Beth Wain Brandon is the 2019 recipient of the Gries Family Award in recognition of her lasting impact on Cleveland’s Jewish and general communities. The Gries awardee each year is someone who has demonstrated extensive top leadership in Federation and other local Jewish organization activities, as well as significant leadership in Greater Cleveland’s general community. Brandon, a dedicated community volunteer, was presented the award at the Jewish Federation of Cleveland Board of Trustees meeting on September 23.

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Federation Security, Police Ready for High Holy Days

Tags: Federation, PR, Security

Federation Security, Police Ready for High Holy Days

As congregants prepare to engage in perhaps the most introspective time of the year, those charged with safeguarding synagogues are preparing to do so in light of a “new normal.”

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Reflections On My Trip to the Holy Land

Tags: Federation, PR, Campaign

Reflections On My Trip to the Holy Land

We would like to invite you to visit Israel. With those words, written on a letter from the Jewish Federation of Cleveland, a completely unexpected journey began.

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Super Sunday Seeks Volunteers, Donors for Day of Giving Back

Tags: Federation, PR, Campaign

Super Sunday Seeks Volunteers, Donors for Day of Giving Back

Shoshana Jacobs views being co-chair of Super Sunday on Sept. 22 as an opportunity to give back to a web of agencies and institutions that support her family in different ways.

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