
Be Unique

Tags: Dating, Women, Young Adults, Federation, Blog

Be Unique

While we have been fortunate so far this season, let’s get real, it’s going to snow at some point in the near future. It is December in Northeast Ohio, after all.

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Meet Tali: 2015-2016 PEI Fellow

Tags: Federation, Blog, Education

Meet Tali: 2015-2016 PEI Fellow

Have you ever taken the time to reflect on your primary educational journey? How about the fact that you can read this sentence? Being able to read, write, and comprehend are invaluable skills, and often taken for granted once they are mastered. The aim of the Public Education Initiative is to do just that; bolster the literacy of children in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD), through individualized sessions with our team of dedicated volunteer tutors, and I am elated to be a part of the magic!

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Sen. Brown Supports Tax Provisions

Tags: Federation, PR, Philanthropy

Federation Board Chair Reneé Chelm thanks Senator Sherrod Brown for his support in extending tax provisions that encourage charitable giving. Read the full story here.

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Alert: IRA Charitable Rollover

Tags: Federation, Philanthropy

We are pleased to inform you that newly enacted federal legislation permits the use of tax neutral Individual Retirement Account ("IRA") Charitable Rollover distributions to the Federation or other qualified charities retroactively for 2015 and makes this benefit permanent.

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Monica's Masa Israel Experience

Tags: Israel, Overseas, Young Adults

Monica's Masa Israel Experience

In Israel: Beachwood High School 2011 graduate Monica Arkin, 22, is currently living in Jerusalem and participating in Masa Israel's Career Israel program.

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Mandel JDS Participates in Science Fair

Tags: Federation, PR, Partner

Mandel JDS Participates in Science Fair

BEACHWOOD, OHIO – (December 18, 2015) – Ten Middle School students from Joseph and Florence Mandel Jewish Day School (Mandel JDS), formerly The Agnon School, will participate in the Northeastern Ohio Science and Engineering Fair (NEOSEF) held at Cleveland State University, March 7 – 10, 2016. During this 63rd annual event, the students will set up their science fair displays and present their research to a team of professional scientists and engineers who act as volunteer judges.

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Nearly $31M Raised in the 2016 Campaign

Tags: Campaign, Federation, Philanthropy

Nearly $31M Raised in the 2016 Campaign

What a night! Our Campaign Closing Celebration was one of our best yet, thanks to our incredible volunteers and donors who make Jewish Cleveland so special.

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Responding When Disaster Strikes

Tags: Federation, Video, Campaign

Responding When Disaster Strikes

Hello, my name is Larry Mack. I’ve been a campaigner for a long time. It’s really important to me. Sometimes there are no words for how it makes me feel – to know that I can help.

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Protecting Our Jewish Future

Tags: Federation, Video, Campaign

Protecting Our Jewish Future

My name is Jordan Berkowitz. I am a campaigner. I am also a parent. I notice the police presence at my children’s Jewish day schools during drop off.

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Planning For Our Community's Future

Tags: Federation, Video, Campaign

Planning For Our Community's Future

Shalom! My name is Kyla Epstein Schneider. I volunteer with the Federation because I believe we are all in this together. And, through Federation, we can plan for our community’s future. We can be prepared.

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