
Memories Matter

Tags: Holidays, Federation, Blog

Passover and Easter are intimately intertwined in our history as the Last Supper was actually a Seder.

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At home in Beit She’an

Tags: Beit Shean, PR, Israel, Blog

At home in Beit She’an

If someone told me a year and a half ago that I would move to Israel for 10 months, I am pretty confident I would not believe them.

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Yom Hashoah Remembers the Holocaust & Heroism

Tags: PR, Events, Teens, Holidays

CLEVELAND – 1,100 Holocaust survivors call Cleveland home. Join our community as we honor these survivors and remember those who perished in the Holocaust at the Jewish Federation of Cleveland and the Kol Israel Foundation’s Yom Hashoah V’Hagvurah on Wednesday, April 15 from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. at Green Road Synagogue, 2437 S. Green Road in Beachwood. This annual event is free and open to the public.

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Women's Orchestra of Auschwitz

Tags: Arts, Blog, Federation

Women's Orchestra of Auschwitz

Maria Mandel was the SS commander of the women's camp at Auschwitz- Birkenau.

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A Statement on the Iran Deal

Tags: Advocacy, Federation

The Jewish Federations of North America Urges Caution and Congressional Review of Any Iran Deal

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Celebrating Freedom this Passover

Tags: Passover, Holidays, Federation, Blog

Passover and Easter are intimately intertwined in our history as the Last Supper was actually a Seder.

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Meet Israeli Sensation, Idan Raichel

Tags: Israel, Events, Holidays, Arts, Overseas, Video

Meet Israeli Sensation, Idan Raichel

You don’t have to travel far to hear the music of the world. Experience the multi-cultural sounds and entrancing fusions of Hebrew, Arabic and Ethiopian with a full-length concert by The Idan Raichel Project at this year’s Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day) celebration on April 23!

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Exodus from Ukraine

Tags: Overseas, Partners, Israel, Passover, Holidays

Exodus from Ukraine

Dozens of Jews from war-torn eastern Ukraine who will be immigrating to Israel in the coming days celebrated the upcoming holiday of Passover at a simulated seder (ritual meal) held at The Jewish Agency for Israel's refugee center outside the city of Dnepropetrovsk Sunday evening (March 29). The celebrants included seven children between the ages of two and ten, who learned about the holiday for the first time.

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Cross-Continental Bonding

Tags: Young Adults, Federation, Russia, Overseas, Video

Cross-Continental Bonding

Recently, my two housemates and I hosted 20 young Jewish professionals from St. Petersburg, Russia in our home for Shabbat dinner, along with a small number of young Clevelanders.

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A Passover Meal

Tags: Food, Holidays, Passover, Women, Teens, Family, Young Adults, Federation

A Passover Meal

Passover is synonymous with cleaning, shopping, and cooking. With all of the physical preparations, however, it’s easy to arrive spent and exhausted to the Passover Seder, and lose track of what Passover is really about - the retelling of the miraculous emancipation of our ancestors from Egypt, and the celebration of our transformation from slaves to a self-determining nation of free men and women.

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