
Mandel JDS Unveils New Logo

Tags: Federation, Education, Mandel JDS, Partner

Mandel JDS Unveils New Logo

A palpable feeling of excitement overtook Mandel JDS students and teachers as they trickled into the building on Friday morning, walking under a brand new sign for the first time. The new logo and sign are just two of many changes coming to the school on the heels of the transformative 17 million dollar gift received from the Joseph and Florence Mandel Family Foundation.

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Jewish Camp in FSU

Tags: Overseas, Russia, Young Adults, Federation

Jewish Camp in FSU

Many Jewish children in the former Soviet Union grow up unaffiliated. Summer camp, as discussed earlier this month at the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Mandel Building in Beachwood, is a key way for those Jews to connect with their heritage.

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Sports Partnership at Mandel JDS

Tags: Federation, Education, Mandel JDS, Partner

Sports Partnership at Mandel JDS

The Joseph and Florence Mandel Jewish Day School (Mandel JDS) has recently teamed up with Force Sports, a locally owned and operated organization devoted to providing world-class facilities along with a dedicated team of experienced coaches. MANDEL JDS ANNOUNCES PARTNERSHIP WITH FORCE SPORTS, ATHLETICS SOAR TO NEW HEIGHTS

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Birthright Eligibility Expanded

Tags: Federation, Young Adults, PR, Israel, Overseas, Beit Shean

Birthright Eligibility Expanded

CLEVELAND – Do you know a Jewish Clevelander, ages 22 to 26, who is ready for a travel experience unlike any other? If so, they might be eligible for Birthright Israel, a free 10-day trip to Israel for Cleveland residents from June 20 – June 30, 2016. Complete the Interest Form now.

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Become a Masa Israel Teaching Fellow

Tags: Federation, I-connect, Beit Shean, Israel, Overseas, Young Adults

Become a Masa Israel Teaching Fellow

Become a Masa Israel Teaching Fellow (MITF)! Teach English to students in Israel and spend one year immersed in an authentic, small Israeli city.

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A day out with Lil and Hugo

Tags: Federation

A day out with Lil and Hugo

Lil and Hugo love going ballroom dancing. At 90, they dance whenever they can though Hugo admits it’s getting harder as they grow older. “We’d like to go more often, but we can’t. Lil can’t stand that long these days,” he said.

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Clevelanders Volunteer in Beit Shean

Tags: Federation, Blog, Israel, Overseas, Volunteer

Clevelanders Volunteer in Beit Shean

Fifteen Jewish Clevelanders are beginning an unforgettable two-week volunteer experience in Cleveland’s sister city, Beit Shean.

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Mandel JDS Holds Hebrew Spelling Bee

Tags: Federation, Education, Mandel JDS, Partner

Mandel JDS Holds Hebrew Spelling Bee

The students of Joseph and Florence Mandel Jewish Day School (Mandel JDS) celebrated Yom HaYeled, “Day of the Child,” with their 10th annual Hebrew Spelling Bee, a fun and enriching way for students to build their vocabulary. Students were abuzz prior to the competition, which asks all students to study up to 200 words along with their definitions, competing for exciting prizes along the way.

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Making Tough Decisions

Tags: Federation, Teens, Philanthropy, Blog

Making Tough Decisions

Saltzman Youth Panel is a truly unique experience. Working as a group, Jewish Cleveland teens are given the opportunity to allocate funds to the Jewish community and beyond. Recently, my fellow panelists and I were truly able to experience this unique aspect of Saltzman.

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A Message from Jennifer Korach

Tags: Women, Blog

A Message from Jennifer Korach

When I reflect back on my earliest childhood memories, I ALWAYS remember feeling extremely proud of my Jewish heritage and identity. I derive immense pleasure celebrating the rituals and life cycle events of our faith and relish in preparing a holiday meal for a houseful of family and friends. To my husband Randy and me, raising our two children (Natalie, age 16 and Quinn, age 12) with strong Jewish values is the most important endeavor we have undertaken as parents. Yet, for both of us, Judaism is not something that happens exclusively in the confines of our home or synagogue. Being a part of a global Jewish community has compelled us both to engage in Jewish philanthropy and acts of chesed (acts of kindness), and more importantly pass the importance of giving to others onto our children. “Kol Yisrael arevim zeh la-zeh.” ALL Jews (or all the people of Israel) are responsible for one another.

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