
Taking Action to Confront Anti-Semitism

Tags: Advocacy

Cars burning in the French neighborhood of Sarcelles after a protest in which a synagogue was partially burned.

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Over 200 Volunteers at Cemetery Cleanup

Tags: Volunteer, Federation, Cemetery

Over 200 Volunteers at Cemetery Cleanup

An inter-generational program, this year’s attendance topped previous years with over 200 volunteers of all ages including two busloads of students.

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5 Reasons Why Our Community Needs a 15% Increase in 2015

Tags: Campaign, Federation

5 Reasons Why Our Community Needs a 15% Increase in 2015

OUR COMMUNITY, OUR CAMPAIGN This year consider doing a little bit more.

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Goldberg Concludes 8th Night Tenure

Tags: Women

Goldberg Concludes 8th Night Tenure

WPI recognizes and thanks Adrienne Goldberg, founder and chair of 8th Night of Chanukah, for her time, talent and treasures! 

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Sally Wertheim Receives Ruby Bass Award

Tags: Women, Awards

Sally Wertheim Receives Ruby Bass Award

Established in memory of Ruby Bass (z"l), the award honors her lifelong passion for the Jewish Federation of Cleveland and her commitment to the Women's Campaign.

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Message from the Women’s Philanthropy Initiative (WPI) Chair, Nan Cohen

Tags: Women, Blog

Message from the Women’s Philanthropy Initiative (WPI) Chair, Nan Cohen

I remember my first day of work after college vividly. My manager sat me down for an introductory chat and stated flatly, “if it’s going well, don’t screw it up.”

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Donna Yanowitz to Receive the Kipnis-Wilson/Friedland Award

Tags: Women, Awards

Donna Yanowitz to Receive the Kipnis-Wilson/Friedland Award

The Kipnis-Wilson/Friedland Award, a prestigious, internationally-recognized honor to a Lion of Judah,* is given to a woman who demonstrates the highest ideals of women’s leadership and involvement.

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A Trip to Israel is a Must, At Least Once

Tags: Beit Shean, Women, Israel, Blog, Holidays

A Trip to Israel is a Must, At Least Once

I visited Israel for the first time last year through a trip sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Cleveland.

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Women's News Corner: Support the 2015 Campaign for Jewish Needs!

Tags: Women

Women's News Corner: Support the 2015 Campaign for Jewish Needs!

By giving a gift in your own name, you connect to the Jewish community in a personal, powerful way, become a role model to thousands of other women, and inspire the next generation to stand up and be counted.

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