
SAYing and Doing the Right Things in Local Public Schools

Tags: Federation, Teens

SAYing and Doing the Right Things in Local Public Schools

At the beginning of his sophomore year in high school, a local teen began to notice his motivation for school was not as it once was. He knew his grades were slipping because of this change but he could not break the pattern. Fortunately, the Social Advocates for Youth Program (SAY) of Bellefaire JCB, a Federation beneficiary agency, was there for him and so many other teens in crisis.

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Remembering Charlotte Kramer-Schwartz

Tags: Federation

Remembering Charlotte Kramer-Schwartz

We are saddened to share the loss of Charlotte Kramer-Schwartz z"l, Federation Board Trustee for Life.

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WATCH: YLD One-Click Trip - Women Changemakers in the Arab Community in Israel

Tags: Federation, Israel, Live, Young Adults

WATCH: YLD One-Click Trip - Women Changemakers in the Arab Community in Israel

Jewish Federation of Cleveland's Young Leadership Division and Cleveland shlicha, Li-or Gersht joined us for a virtual trip to our sister city Beit Shean, Israel.

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YLD Names New Board Chair, Adds Nine New Members to its Board

Tags: Federation, Young Adults

YLD Names New Board Chair, Adds Nine New Members to its Board

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Young Leadership Division (YLD) announced the appointment of Abbie Pappas as board chair, effective January 2021. Pappas served as YLD’s board vice chair last year and she succeeds Cameron Orlean in the board chair role. YLD connects Jewish young adults, ages 22 – 45, to each other and the community through social, volunteer, leadership, and philanthropic activities.

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Upcoming Events for You

Tags: Federation, YLD, Arts, Advocacy

Upcoming Events for You

Check out our upcoming events, including a virtual tour of Cleveland's sister cities, a three-part program about “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Contemporary Israeli Cinema,” and a panel discussion of community leaders from the Black, Latinx, and Jewish communities.

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Reflecting on Last Week

Tags: Federation

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During this week’s Shabbat, we reflected on the events of the past week. We feel it is important to share some additional thoughts with you and ask for your help.

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YLD One-Click Trips

Tags: Federation, Young Adults

YLD One-Click Trips

Do you miss traveling? Join YLD and Cleveland shlicha, Li-or Gersht, for virtual trips to our sister cities of Beit Shean, Israel and St. Petersburg, Russia!

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A Special Shabbat Blessing

Tags: Federation

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As we prepare for the first Shabbat after New Year's Day 2021, we are reminded of this special blessing – a variation of which can be found in every Jewish prayer book – for our country, its leaders and advisors, and our fellow citizens:

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Statement: Riot at the U.S. Capitol Building

Tags: Federation, Advocacy

Statement: Riot at the U.S. Capitol Building

We pray for the safety of all Members of Congress, their staff and the law enforcement who are protecting them. We thank Senators Sherrod Brown and Rob Portman, and Governor Mike DeWine for their strong statements and join them in urging an end to the violence. We also unequivocally condemn any elected official trying to advance a position by claiming that Adolf Hitler was “right.” Violent unlawful protests and hate-fueled rhetoric have no place in our democratic society.

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WATCH: Festival of Song

Tags: Federation, Live, Holidays, Arts, Video

WATCH: Festival of Song

Jewish Federation of Cleveland was joined by Cantor Rebecca Carmi and her family, alongside pianist Laura Silverman to perform a medley of Chanukah songs for our community for Festival of Song.

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