
Meet the New Moishe House CLE Residents

Tags: Young Adults

Meet the New Moishe House CLE Residents

Meet the new residents of Moishe House (MoHo) Cleveland: Julie Bock, Lena Kelly, and Jen Kaplan. The Jewish Federation of Cleveland is proud to sponsor Moishe House Cleveland, one of 63 houses across the country that cultivates young leaders to create a Jewish community – on their own terms – for their peers, in ways that are meaningful and relevant.

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Campaign Launch Focuses on Future

Tags: Campaign, Federation, Women, Teens, Young Adults, Family, Overseas, Advocacy

Campaign Launch Focuses on Future

Thursday, September 10, 2015 marks the launch of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s 2016 Campaign for Jewish Needs, which is the annual fundraising Campaign that supports our community’s vitality and vibrancy in the year ahead. The event is open to the public. Doors open 7:00 p.m. on September 10, 2015 at the Mandel Jewish Community Center (26001 S. Woodland Road in Beachwood).

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‘Violins of Hope’ is a Teaching Instrument

Tags: PR, Federation, Israel, Overseas, Arts, Advocacy

‘Violins of Hope’ is a Teaching Instrument

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland is honored to be a partner in the Violins of Hope program, one of our most meaningful collaborations to date. Visit violinsofhopecle.org to see all events open to the public.

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Fleisher Named 15-16 Wolf-JDC Int’l Fellow

Tags: Young Adults, Israel, Overseas, Partners, Federation

Fleisher Named 15-16 Wolf-JDC Int’l Fellow

Cleveland-born, Benjamin Fleisher (Ben), has been named the 2015-2016 Roslyn Z. Wolf Cleveland-JDC International Fellow and will participate in an exceptional opportunity to spend one year abroad, enriching the lives of disadvantaged children in Bat Yam, Israel.

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Feldman to be honored by JNF

Tags: PR, Israel, Overseas, Federation, Leadership, Russia

Feldman to be honored by JNF

Barry Feldman, a Federation Board of Trustees member and Cleveland/St. Petersburg Partnership Standing Committee Chair, receives the Jewish National Fund of Ohio’s highest honor. Mazel Tov, Barry, on this wonderful accomplishment!

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BGS Has “Lunch with a Leader”

Tags: Young Adults, Leadership

BGS Has “Lunch with a Leader”

Members of our Ben-Gurion Society enjoyed Lunch with a Leader featuring Federation President, Stephen H. Hoffman.

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Lessons of Caring

Tags: Federation, Cemetery, Giving, Blog

Lessons of Caring

As a little girl, Janet and her grandmother took street car rides to the Lansing Cemetery in Cleveland where they cleaned the graves and maintained the surroundings, ensuring the dignity of the departed. Janet Ghiandoni grew up in Cleveland Heights and visited Lansing with her grandmother several times a year. She distinctly remembers visiting the graves of many relatives she hardly knew anything about.

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Agnon Receives $17M Gift, Name Change

Tags: Federation, Education, Mandel JDS, Partner

Agnon Receives $17M Gift, Name Change

Gift is largest in the school’s history and one of the largest across the country among Jewish Day Schools and will fund teacher compensation, professional development, facility improvements and new programs.

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A Conversation with ‘Honest Reporting’

Tags: Israel, PR, Overseas, Advocacy, Federation

A Conversation with ‘Honest Reporting’

Gary Kenzer, national North American executive director of Honest Reporting, is urging supporters of Israel to become effective advocates who know how to spot biased news. Honest Reporting monitors news for bias and inaccuracy in the coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

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