
Recognizing Our Local Partners

Tags: Federation, Blog, Campaign, Partners

With just one gift to the Jewish Federation of Cleveland, you are giving to more than 30 partner organizations in Cleveland and around the world.

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Ohio Community Signs Document to Stand Together Against Hate

Tags: Advocacy, Federation

Ohio Community Signs Document to Stand Together Against Hate

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland, Public Officials and other Organizations sign document to stand together against hate.

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Rosh Hashanah 5778 Message from Stephen H. Hoffman

Tags: Federation, Blog

As we begin the process of contemplating our sins we can be very tough on ourselves. As we contemplate the state of our nation we can be even tougher on ourselves. And, as we think about where our relationship with Israel is going – well “tough” may not be the word; how about “complicated?”

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Security Training Increase as High Holy Days Near

Tags: Federation, PR, Security

Security Training Increase as High Holy Days Near

For years, security has been a factor when planning a local Jewish event because of the rise in anti-Semitic and terror attacks. The High Holy Days are no different.

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My Jewish Learning: Feeling the Love in Israel

Tags: Family, Education, Interfaith, Partners

My Jewish Learning: Feeling the Love in Israel

If you don’t know your history, you don’t know where you are going,” said one of the participants as we were seated together in a circle. Twenty couples with diverse backgrounds, faiths and practices. Some have children. Some do not. But what we all have in common is some connection to Judaism and a desire to learn so we can figure out the next steps to our own personal journeys.

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Trip to Israel Eye-opening, Life Changing

Tags: Federation, PR, Advocacy

Trip to Israel Eye-opening, Life Changing

Recently, a group of civic leaders, through the insight and generosity of Tom and Joanie Adler and the Jewish Federation of Cleveland, learned about a most beautiful, historic, spirit-filled, and complicated place called Israel.

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Chaplains Help Make High Holy Days Special at Hospitals

Tags: Federation, PR

Chaplains Help Make High Holy Days Special at Hospitals

Chaplain Rabbi Akiva Feinstein regularly blows the shofar for patients on Rosh Hashanah, but specifically remembers doing so for a boy who, suffering from an illness, spent the holiday at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital in Cleveland.

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Action Alert: Donate to Victims of 2017 Hurricanes

Tags: Federation, Blog, Advocacy

Action Alert: Donate to Victims of 2017 Hurricanes

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland joins Federations across the country in raising funds for the victims of Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, and Hurricane Maria.

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A World of Inspiration: 2018 Campaign Launch Event

Tags: Federation, Video, Campaign

A World of Inspiration: 2018 Campaign Launch Event

It was a night to remember as 300+ community members joined us at our 2018 Campaign for Jewish Needs Launch Event to celebrate “Inspiration Around the World.” Four dynamic speakers wowed us with their stories about the work that is made possible with our community’s support of the Campaign.

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Campaigner of the Week: Ronny Fisher

Tags: Campaign

Campaigner of the Week: Ronny Fisher

Ronny has been a Campaigner for 35 years! Find out why he loves doing his part in the Campaign for Jewish Needs, and the importance of telling stories, relaying needs, and discussing the issues when making the ‘ask.’

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