
Action Alert: Urge Congress to Support the Supplemental Aid Package for Israel

Tags: Federation, Blog, Advocacy

Action Alert: Urge Congress to Support the Supplemental Aid Package for Israel

On Tuesday, February 13, the Senate passed a supplemental aid package that includes President Biden’s emergency funding request for Israel. This is a major win for the Jewish Community, and it was made possible by each and every one of you! Thank you for being a part of the push that got this aid one step closer to final passage.

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Israel Activist Mazzig to Speak at Federation’s CRC Annual Meeting

Tags: Federation, Advocacy

Israel Activist Mazzig to Speak at Federation’s CRC Annual Meeting

Israeli activist and speaker Hen Mazzig will travel to Cleveland for two days to speak at several events, including the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s community relations committee annual meeting.

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Moishe House Provides Community to Clevelanders

Tags: Federation, Young Adults

Moishe House Provides Community to Clevelanders

As the new residents of Moishe House Cleveland host several events each month, they aim to provide space for young Jewish adults in Cleveland looking for community.

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Teens Making A Difference: Saltzman Youth Panel

Tags: Federation, Teens

Teens Making A Difference: Saltzman Youth Panel

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland's Saltzman Youth Panel program educates Jewish Cleveland students about the philanthropic process.

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Apply for Coaching Circles: Series IV

Tags: Women, Federation

Apply for Coaching Circles: Series IV

Coaching Circles offers women in Jewish Cleveland an open, motivating, and engaging experience to foster personal growth and connection with women across the community through meaningful, confidential conversations.

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Upcoming Events for You

Tags: Federation, Young Adults, Volunteer, Women, Arts, Young Families

Upcoming Events for You

We hope to see you at our February events. This month, we are welcoming Israeli activist and speaker Hen Mazzig to Cleveland for a number of events, hosting two Pajama Havdallah events for young families, presenting our latest Roe Green Gallery exhibit to the community, and more.

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Remembering Darrell A. Young

Tags: Federation

Remembering Darrell A. Young

We are saddened to share the loss of Darrell A. Young z"l, Federation Board of Trustee.

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Two-Way Street

Tags: Federation, legacy, Philanthropy

Two-Way Street

Jill Miller Zimon grew up in Connecticut, and the town where she lived for the first 12 years of her life had just a handful of other Jewish families. Although she was in the minority, Jill always felt proud of her identity as a Jewish person.

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Amir (Alan) Jaffa Named Jewish Federation of Cleveland General Campaign Chair

Tags: Federation, Campaign

Amir (Alan) Jaffa Named Jewish Federation of Cleveland General Campaign Chair

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland has named Amir (Alan) Jaffa as its next chair for the Campaign for Jewish Needs. Jaffa will be responsible for providing leadership, vision, and strategy for the Federation’s annual fundraising effort. Jaffa, 52, is the CEO for Safeguard, a property management firm. He succeeds Beth Wain Brandon in this volunteer role.

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