
Stress Knows No International Borders

Tags: Family, Philanthropy, Federation, PR, Kids, Families, Overseas, Israel

Stress Knows No International Borders

Believe it or not, children from across the country and around the globe are experiencing similar types of stress. Factors like living below the poverty line, having dysfunctional families, or experiencing trauma know no geographic boundaries. Left unattended, this stress can negatively affect a child’s school performance, social well-being, and ultimately, their future success as an adult.

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A Winning Hamentashen Recipe

Tags: Food, Holidays, Federation

A Winning Hamentashen Recipe

Each year, the Jewish Federation of Cleveland hosts a Purim celebration for all staff to enjoy. One of the most competitive activities of the day is the Hamentashen baking contests, where staff show off their baking skills and creativity in the kitchen. Check out this year's winning recipe below - Black & White Cookie Hamentashen!

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5 Ideas for a Child-Friendly Seder

Tags: Education, Family, Women, Young Leadership

5 Ideas for a Child-Friendly Seder

At the center of Passover is the Seder, a 15-step meal involving ritual items, stories, and food. The Passover Seder is meant to be an inclusive experience for people of all ages. Young children are encouraged to participate through such traditions as the singing of The Four Questions and the searching for the Afikomen.

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What's in my Suitcase: Birthright Edition

Tags: Israel, Overseas, Young Adult, Federation

What's in my Suitcase: Birthright Edition

What is Birthright? It’s a free 10-day trip to explore Israel’s most remarkable tourist destinations and beyond with fellow 22-26 year olds. Cleveland even has our very own trip!

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What's On My Desk: Onward Israel Edition

Tags: Israel, Overseas, Young Adult, Federation

What's On My Desk: Onward Israel Edition

Final spots are still available for Onward Israel, an eight-week tailor-made summer internship program in Tel Aviv that provides real-life work experience for juniors, seniors, and recent grads.

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Federation President Hoffman to Retire at End of Year

Tags: Federation, PR

Federation President Hoffman to Retire at End of Year

Around the world, Cleveland is considered an influential Jewish community. This is the case for many reasons, one of which is its proud history of producing revered Jewish leaders who play instrumental and influential roles in the community at the local, national and international level.

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One Happy Camper Grants Happiness for Hundreds Each Year

Tags: Family, Philanthropy, Federation, PR

One Happy Camper Grants Happiness for Hundreds Each Year

As families search to give their children a memorable summer experience, Jewish overnight camp offers an opportunity to build relationships and embrace Jewish values. Nonetheless, the cost of attendance can be overwhelming, barring families from exploring the sleepaway scene.

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Clevelanders Volunteer in Beit Shean

Tags: Federation, Blog, Israel, Overseas, Volunteer

Clevelanders Volunteer in Beit Shean

With Volunteer Beit Shean, Jewish Clevelanders are immersing themselves in Israeli life while volunteering in Beit Shean/Valley of Springs, Cleveland’s sister city in Israel. They're helping the people of Beit Shean with daily hands-on volunteer opportunities, enjoying home hospitality, and visiting the city’s historic sites. Read their travel blog now!

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Community Resources to Cope with Parkland Tragedy

Tags: Federation, Advocacy

Community Resources to Cope with Parkland Tragedy

We know the school shooting at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida touched many of our community members.

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Jewish Federation of Cleveland Announces Leadership Transition Plan

Tags: Federation

Jewish Federation of Cleveland Announces Leadership Transition Plan

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland today announced that its president, Stephen H. Hoffman, intends to retire from this position on December 31, 2018.

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